Sex Offenders Should Have To Pay Double Taxes
The Tampa Tribune
Published: January 1, 2008
If anything, this sex offender and all other sex offenders who have involved a child in their sex crimes should have to pay double, if for no other reason than what has gone on in their minds and will, most likely, continue to go on in their minds in regards to children and their sex crimes.
We, as senior citizens have paid this tax long after our children and grandchildren have graduated kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school and college. I can, without hesitation, say that if this sex offender gets by without having to pay school taxes, I will, personally be among what I feel will certainly be the majority of the city, county, state and country that will speak out and make certain that these sex offenders pay just like everyone else.
They so want to be like everyone else; well Mr. Sex Offender, this is part of being like everyone else. Stop being a whiney butt and get over it.
Connie Keen
Spring Hill
Reader Comments
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:24 a.m.
I could care less about the tax issue but the statement, “what has gone on in their minds and will, most likely, continue to go on in their minds,” can only be based on the illusion that politicians and the entertainment news media don’t lie. The myths and lies have created an unfounded national hysteria all based on the lie that sex offenders recidivism is high. The truth of the matter is, according to the U.S. Dept. of Justice, recidivism is only 3.5% which means that 96.5% NEVER, NEVER repeat a sex crime. New York’s recent scientific data gives a 2% rate of recidivism. So, 98% of first time sex offenders NEVER repeat their crimes. But the laws today are all based on the myth and lie that the rate is high. A good place to research this info is Great “Mission Statement” and access to all the scientific studies and empirical data on the net. One should educate themselves before voicing such a lie and myth.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 12:45 p.m.
Sosen is a haven for sex offender apologists and enablers and liars. One should educate themselves before voicing lies and myths, MR. Wagner.
While the DOJ released a study on recidivism it was done over a period of 3 years and is not an accurate reflection of the rates of recidivism committed by sex offenders.
In fact, Sarah Tofte of the Human Rights Watch states that sex offenders who make up only 0.2% of the population in America are committing 13% of all new sex crimes.
I find that striking.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 1:04 p.m
MR. Wagner, sock puppet.. you are such a lair, why are you using a womens name btw?
“In fact, Sarah Tofte of the Human Rights Watch states that sex offenders who make up only 0.2% of the population in America are committing 13% of all new sex crimes.”
I find it stirking too!
Posted by ( mainecoon ) on January 1, 2008 at 1:40 p.m.
This is pure ignorance. To punish or judge someone because of thoughts that may or may not exist…sound like Nazi Germany?
I agree with Lindawa, you all need to educate yourselves.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 1:53 p.m.
Ignoring facts is ignorance? Lindawa is Rod Wagner, a pissed off sex offender who doesn’t like the consequences of his actions.
Sosen likes what Sarah Tofte had to say, but they want to pick and choose which parts they agree with. THAT is ignorance.
When you’ve had your children ripped from your arms and thrown into a gas chamber, when you’ve been piled into a cattle car, starved, your teeth pulled, your head shaved, stripped naked and tortured THEN you can compare yourselves to Jews in Nazi Germany. Until then don’t you DARE demean the suffering of the Jewish people by comparing sex offenders to them.
Posted by ( VioletLeaves ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:02 p.m.
Lets double the tax payments for sex offenders and while we are at it force them to pay their victims for life!
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:06 p.m.
Sosen needs some math lessons about the difference in decimal points and percentages and how to convert them. But I don’t have time to educate them on that at the moment.
However they ARE trying to cook up a new strategy, why just moments ago they said
“If we spin on their “if it saves one child” we could use the following argument. How many more children would be saved by the money spent to manage RSO’s? If we that money put it into SCHIP, or some other healht insurance program, I bet we’d save way more children than how many “might” be saved by the registry. Interesting, isn’t it? I wish there was a way to prove/test this …. “
Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin That’s all they know. Let’s see how they spin THAT
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:06 p.m.
“sound like Nazi Germany”
Soo old, you need to find another scapegoat plzzz.Tell it like it really is, you love to abuse kids, end of story!
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:09 p.m.
“Lets double the tax payments for sex offenders and while we are at it force them to pay their victims for life!”
I like that idea a lot. I’d lobby for that.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:14 p.m.
Oh yeah, make a “Professional Victims” fund!
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:22 p.m.
It could also be used to counterbalance their acts of civil disobedience. You know, how Sosen said to make hundreds of email accounts and register them so the system is overburdened and can’t function?
Oh, yeah, and how they encourage destroying GPS monitors just to cost the taxpayers more money knowing it will have to be replaced? Why, Kevin Misner was destroying 3 of them a week. He estimated he had already cost the taxpayers over 10,000 just in replaced GPS monitors.
And let’s certainly not forget their plan to use liquid latex on their faces so they can’t be identified. Can’t forget that one.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:30 p.m.
Sarah Tofte of the Human Rights Watch says that 0.2% of the population which is sex offenders are committing 13% of all new sex crimes.
You cannot get the number of all new sex crimes committed by sex offenders by multiplying 13% of the number of sex offenders in America. The only result that gives you is how many 13% of sex offenders is. It doesn’t tell you anything about the number of sex offenses being perpetrated.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 2:33 p.m.
You cannot get the number of all new sex crimes committed by sex offenders by multiplying 13% of the number of sex offenders in America. The only result that gives you is how many 13% of sex offenders is. It doesn’t tell you anything about the number of sex offenses being perpetrated.
Yep they NEVER make any dam sense!
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:25 p.m.
Lol! You think I’m a male. That’s a real good laugh. Are you really as crazy as you sound? I am as female as the day I was born 50 years ago. But I have heard about you and your known as a hater. A person unable to reason effectively due to the hate within you. Too bad, but there is professional help out there. You might want to look into it.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:40 p.m.
Lol! I KNOW you’re a male, Rod Wagner aka Linda Wagner aka Letsgetreal50. I can prove it if anyone is interested.
I’m not known as a hater except by sex offenders who don’t like me telling the truth about them. That’s ok though, their hatred of me is proof of my effectiveness.
Unfortunately for YOU, I DO reason effectively and you…well, you don’t.
Too bad for you but the professional help that’s out there won’t help you, there’s none available for dumbass, no treatment and no cure. There are places you can check into though that will help you with impulse control. You might want to look into it.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:42 p.m.
It is also a FACT that 90% plus of all new sex crimes are committed by individuals NOT on a registry. It could be anyone in your family and chances are it is. Teachers, doctors and best friends. But even if the overall recidivism rate was say 10% nationwide. That leaves 90% who NEVER NEVER repeat a sex crime. So why are we wasting all the countries resources on people who NEVER repeat a sex crime? Sarah Tofte and the HRW Reports, “These Laws do MORE HARM than GOOD.” That is basically the summeration of the report. Time to educate yourself. Go to and make up your own mind. Don’t allow haters to “Think for you.” THINK WE MUST, but we must have scientific FACT and empirical data in order to make intelligent and informed decisions. Don’t allow yourself to be programed be the illusion created by entertainment news or politicians who will say and do anything for a vote. Mass hysteria. This Stitches77 is a typical and prime example of that. OMG have mercy on America for your Name sake.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:44 p.m.
Too bad for you but the professional help that’s out there won’t help you, there’s none available for dumbass, no treatment and no cure. There are places you can check into though that will help you with impulse control. You might want to look into it.
Oh he his such a lair, yep can’t fix STUPID.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:48 p.m.
Your full of crap, your half baked thoughts! GET a grip will ya MR. Wagner.We know what you did!
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:53 p.m.
Sarah Tofte’s report said the laws do more harm than good because she got her information from Linda Pehrson who thinks its perfectly normal to get back into bed with the man who raped your daughter. I wouldn’t put much stock in anything a skank like that said.
This is what Rod and his friends cannot get through their heads. 10% of sex crimes committed by a not already registered sex offender does not equal a recidivism rate.
It HAS to be higher than that if 10% of all new sex crimes are committed by sex offenders and they are ONLY 0.2% of the population.
Oh, and you have to convert decimals to percentages dear, might wanna tell ol’ flower ’bout that. You can’t multiply a number and just stick a percentage mark at the end. It’s not the same thing, of course you all would know that if you weren’t dumbasses. For which there is no cure.
Posted by ( BRD ) on January 1, 2008 at 3:55 p.m.
Mr Wagner, who runs around the net trying to feel less guilty about what he did, it WILL never work you are GUILTY as charged!How is AMW these days anyway?
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 4:22 p.m.
Rod Wagner feel guilty? I don’t think he does. He has said he’s a victim. He thinks he’s a victim of society who doesn’t like people sexually offending against others and decided that they were ‘mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore’
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 4:23 p.m.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 4:27 p.m.
“but we must have scientific FACT and empirical data in order to make intelligent and informed decisions. “
Oh Rod, you don’t care about facts and studies. All you’re concerned with is stopping people from knowing about your history of sexual violence towards children.
If you were concerned about facts you’d realize that 0.2% of the population committing 13% (According to Sarah Tofte) of all new sex crimes, is a cause for concern.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 4:41 p.m.
“He thinks he’s a victim of society who doesn’t like people sexually offending against others”
It’s unbelievable how they actually perceive themselves as “victims,” after they chose to abuse
Posted by ( allhavesinned ) on January 1, 2008 at 7:23 p.m.
I do believe I have read stitcches77 and friends in other forums and comment areas. I think the group just follows others around to harass them. I, personally would not believe a word they say, since they seem to have nothing better to do with their lives than to harass others. People come to comment and use user names to remain anonymous. Yet you try to reveal their names and personal information about them. I see you are also guilty of copyright infringement. Who is the law breaker here stitches and company. You are all such sad LITTLE people.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 7:57 p.m.
LOL, I haven’t broken any copyright laws at all. Is that the best you can do?
You see, you guys look for stories to drop your lies onto. Why just this morning Rod told Sosen about this page right here and said “OOOOOH this would be a good place to leave comments” But I headed your pro baby raping crap off at the pass. Who’s guilty of what?
Furthermore, if Rod was honest I wouldn’t have had to say a word.
Now, if you have a problem with my activism, you take it to Jan Kruska and ask her why she made a blog about our webmaster accusing him of things that she knew he hadn’t done.
Ask her why she made a blog about a blog designer accusing her of things that she knows she hasn’t done.
Ask her why she accused totally uninvolved, innocent parties of being child molesters and child pornographers all because they knew one of our members. THAT is the behavior of your sex offender reform members.
Why I wouldn’t even have known about all you guys if your cohort Jan Kruska hadn’t waged war on uninvolved people. But she did. And she continues. She knows she was wrong, she knows it was a terrible thing she did, but that’s how registered sex offenders are, they feel no remorse for their actions and they refuse to even ATTEMPT to make amends.
I have no choice but to do what I’m doing because freaks like you guys WILL be held accountable for your actions. And you WILL be held accountable for the lies and twisted propaganda that you spew all over the internet.
Jan tried to make war with us, she DID make war with our friends. I am only following the rules of engagement, allowed under the Geneva Convention.
So bite me.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 8:01 p.m.
“I think the group just follows others around to harass them.”
Unfortunately for pro-sex offender activists, people who think kids deserve justice also have a right to voice our opinions too.
“Who is the law breaker here stitches and company.”
I don’t recall it ever being illegal to call someone by their real name. How does Rod expect to hold his rally at Oklahoma if he doesn’t want people knowing his real name? Is he going to announce himself “Letsgetreal50?”
If you’re going to try to lie and manipulate people then we will show up to tell the truth.
Posted by ( kiokwus ) on January 1, 2008 at 8:31 p.m.
Well said! It is true they, (Perverted Justice, Absolute Zero, and other alleged “child abuse advocates”) “follow” those who have a message concerning the abuse of all children as “the wrong thing to do”. Yes many of these people are sex offenders who did commit a crime in which, according to the courts, have paid the price and wish nothing more than to live life the same as the next person. These very same “sex offenders” stand up and let the world know just how horrible a crime they committed upon a child or adult, and wishes to educate the public just how easy CSA can happen and by whom such a crime is the offender. It is people like stiches77 and others like him who have nothing better to do than follow these people around and feed the public false and misleading fake information in a lame attempt to discredit the information for prevention is taken from, as being fake. While such groups as Roar 4 Freedom and Sosen work to both educate and teach how to prevent CSA from occurring, they are being blatantly harassed and causing the public not to know whom to believe when it comes to the prevention and safety of their loved ones.
Posted by ( BSFinder ) on January 1, 2008 at 8:36 p.m.
Stiches77 is a member of Perverted Justice. This is a vigilantly (terrorist) organization that pushes “false facts” about sex offenders. They have no real relative data….they make up the majority of the information they give out!
Posted by ( chesterc ) on January 1, 2008 at 8:48 p.m.
BSFinder, since you’re so sure of yourself, I’m sure you won’t mind at all explaining to us which of those facts are “false”
Problem with you lot is that all you’ve got is screaming “terrorist” “vigil ante” etc ad nauseum. Put your money where your mouth is please.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 8:49 p.m.
Well, here we go, the lowest of the barrel show up, Michael Price and Co.
First of all Mr. BSFinder, go to PJ and search for my name, k? Second whether I was or not has nothing to do with the fact that Sarah Tofte of the Human Rights Watch says that 0.2% of our population which is sex offenders are committing 13% of all new sex crimes.
Compare that to the rest of the population which 99.8% and you will see that it is indeed a striking statistic.
You just want to word it another way to try and deceive people that’s all. Everybody knows what you’re doing. Michael and Betty aren’t educating anybody they only feed propaganda twisted and spun into unrecognizable conglomerations of lies and deceptions.
What they DO is, try to figure out ways to scam the government, try to figure out ways to scam society, try to figure out how to get your tax dollars and get Mike off the SOR THAT’s what they’re trying to do. And YES I can prove it, and I have, and I will again as many times as I need to until they stop lying. And they are. And I have proved it.
Furthermore, if Rod and Linda and Betty and Michael and Zman et al wish to threaten law suits and claim copyright violation I suggest you read up on that first so you can possibly avoid looking anymore like a dumbass than you already do.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:03 p.m.
“While such groups as Roar 4 Freedom and Sosen work to both educate and teach how to prevent CSA from occurring,”
Michael, stop lying. Anyone only has to look at either of those groups to know that’s not the case. And if they’re still not convinced they can even join your forums and see how “concerned” you people are about stopping sexual abuse - Making excuses for your actions, and attacking sexual abuse survivors as “Professional Victims.”
“feed the public false and misleading fake information in a lame attempt to discredit the information for prevention is taken from, as being fake.”
Again with the lies, Michael. We even quoted your beloved Sarah Tofte. You’re the only ones who feed false and misleading information, just like that bizarre maths work the Eadvocate did, or like Rod Wagner failing to mention that the DOJ recidivism rate he quoted above was taken from a study over only three years, despite the fact that all other research points to an increase over longer periods.
“These very same “sex offenders” stand up and let the world know just how horrible a crime they committed upon a child or adult”
Wrong again Michael, you’re constantly denying you did anything at all, just like Michael Gregg, Cheryl Griffiths son…
“This is a vigilantly (terrorist) organization that pushes “false facts” about sex offenders.”
As above, sex offender activists are the only people pushing “false facts.” Anyone only has to ask themselves why they’re doing it, at the end of the day facts and studies are not what they’re concerned about, they just don’t want people to know about their histories of sexual violence.
Posted by ( BSFinder ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:10 p.m.
YOU are the LIAR Stiches77…you talk about HRW’s report saying that 13% of the new crimes are commited by Registered sex offenders….you don’t do math very well!! You see, (excluding the FACTUAL Department of Justice figure of only 3 to 5 % of Sex Offenders commit new sex crimes) IF you take HRW’s information the we have 600,000 RSO’s x 13% = 78,000 which is .00026% of the population. Now, we are spending millions of dollars on that EXTREEMY LOW percentage of the population. I wonder “where better” our goverment could spend that money…..Health Care for the entire population perhaps? By the way….”The Sex Offender laws DON’T PROTECT A SINGLE CHILD!!”
As far as your affiliation….well….we both know the group(s) YOU belong to.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:18 p.m.
You don’t multiply 13% by the number of sex offenders, you idiot, you multiply it by the number of CRIMES.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:26 p.m.
Now, I already revealed earlier today how flowergirl_1970 said everything that you just said. And more. Like how to spin that information to make it sound like something else. I can only conclude that you are indeed mentally handicapped in which case you need to shut up before you make it worse.
“By the way….”The Sex Offender laws DON’T PROTECT A SINGLE CHILD!!”
Well that’s just a plain stupid remark that all sex offenders who want to be turned loose say. It’s not true. I know it and you know it, furthermore you can’t prove it so what you’re saying is propaganda not fact.
“As far as your affiliation….well….we both know the group(s) YOU belong to.”
Yes indeed. I belong to Absolute Zero United, your worst nightmare. And we don’t tolerate liars. Our job is to expose lies. And we’re good at it.
And you know, since you don’t like us spending money to prevent babies being raped, I will suggest that will TRIPLE the taxes sex offenders have to pay. Either that or never let them out of jail in the first place. I prefer that method of control personally.
Posted by ( chesterc ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:30 p.m.
Dr Bill Glaser is one of the foremost authorities on treatment of paedophilia and sex offenders generally - in Australia and worldwide. Here’s what he had to say about sex offenders and recidivism:
‘The scary thing about child sex offenders is that they generally start young, often during their early teenage years….The other problem with child molesters in particular and sex offenders in general, is that they just keep on keeping on. In other words their immediate recidivism rate is not high so we have good figures that suggest that compared to car thieves or burglars, 90 per cent of whom … in that order would probably reoffend within the first year after they committed their last offence. In contrast with them, child molesters may only be reoffending at a figure of 10 per cent but that figure rises over the years whereas compared to your young burglar or your car thief….generally once they acquire a spouse and three kids and a mortgage they stop offending.’
I really don’t think sosen or HRW are in any place to question Dr. Glaser’s authority, do you?
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 9:34 p.m.
“YOU are the LIAR Stiches77″
Sorry BSFinder, check your maths again. You are the only liar.
“you talk about HRW’s report saying that 13% of the new crimes are commited by Registered sex offenders….you don’t do math very well!!”
Listen to Sarah Toftes interview with Linda Pehrson on the New York Public Radio. She said that what she found most striking was that 87% of all new sex offenses were committed by people with no previous sex crimes convictions. The implication being that - WA LA - 13% of new sex crimes are committed by people with previous convictions for sex crimes, don’t believe me? Listen to the interview again.
“IF you take HRW’s information the we have 600,000 RSO’s x 13% = 78,000 which is .00026% of the population.”
I’m impressed that anyones reasoning can be so twisted, stop lying to people. That 13% isn’t a recidivism rate, that is 13% of all new sex crimes per year.
Posted by ( TX_Dragon ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:31 p.m.
I’m having a hard time deciding who to listen to here. With all the name calling and anger being passed around, it’s impossible to determine the truth of anything. What’s the chances of y’all taking a step back and talking to each other??
Posted by ( chesterc ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:46 p.m.
Dear Mr Dragon,
You need not take anyone’s word for it. Check out what the professionals say - the criminal profilers such as Ken Lanning, the professional therapists such as Dr Glaser.
Overwhelmingly, the evidence shows that sex offenders DO recidivate and in substantial numbers.
See Dr Glaser reference above. Of course he also said:
“There are some who say that we are becoming unnecessarily panicky about child sexual abuse. The evidence is that we have not panicked enough.”
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:47 p.m.
Here is a link to that NPR broadcast
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:54 p.m.
Ah yes, that’s the radio show that Linda Pehrson and Sarah Tofte went on together in which Sarah Tofte said that sex offenders as 0.2% of the population were committing 13% of all new sex crimes.
Yes, indeed. Thank you.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:56 p.m.
“Overwhelmingly, the evidence shows that sex offenders DO recidivate and in substantial numbers.” This is an absolute falsehood. All scientific research shows a very small percentage. Yes, I can find research that gives a large recidivist rate but EVERY time it will include parole violations and other NON-SEXUAL crimes and violations. Sexually recidivism is very very low. and that is a fact. Go to or eadvocate and ask for information on scientific facts in reference to first offense sex offender recidivist rates. There are state by state rates as well as the federal government.
Posted by ( dylanspeak ) on January 1, 2008 at 10:56 p.m.
Good point, TX_Dragon. Seems like most of the posters are more interested in name calling than getting to the truth.
Chesterc, you should also see that the good doctor in the article you quote says “the majority of child sex offenders will not reoffend, as far as we know, during their lifetime.” HRW agrees.
And on another note, I’m offended by the amount of ignorant vitriol masquerading as debate on this blog. I’m a “sex offender defender”, and (news flash for Jacey and Stitches77), not all of us are sex offenders.
I am related to a sex offender, and I am also related to a 6 year old who was molested. I’ve seen both sides of the equation, and I know that it’s not a simple situation.
It’s a subject where even the experts are divided–there is debate about the kinds and amount of trauma that CSA involves, how to treat sex offenders, etc. Every report that you can quote will have another expert refuting it.
So, point being, no one has a corner on truth. And we’re not going to find it if people don’t get off their high horses and start talking instead of namecalling and witch hunting.
Posted by ( BSFinder ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:08 p.m.
Perverted Justice, Absolute Zero and Wasp people…..stop your asinine assaults….YOU NAZI’S. We will win in the end BECAUSE THESES LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!! They are PUNISHMENT pure and simple!!!!
Don’t call me a idiot you terrorist!!! I am using the figures that you have quoted in the HRW report….and by the way, Flowergirl is a PhD….got me a PhD!!!!
And Dr Bill Glaser is NOT the authority on anything….Why don’t we let the general audience read a REAL Report form Jill Levinson entitled “Public Perceptions About Sex Offenders
and Community Protection Policies”
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:10 p.m.
eadvocate belongs to a pissed off sex offender who twists statistics. Just as he tried to subtract apples from oranges and we proved that too.
Sex offenders recidivate at higher and higher rates the longer they are out of prison and THAT is a fact by meta analysis done over a 30 year period and following thousands of offenders. Just because you WANT it to say something else doesn’t make it true Rod. Sexual offense recidivism is not measured over other offenses such as theft perhaps or a violation of their parole. They are specifically stated as sex offenses and you know that very well, but you say that to try and deceive people and I’m not going to allow you to do that.
Let’s take for example one of the recent state studies you guys like to use that showed dropping rates over the last few years? The report you all brag about states specifically that they don’t know for sure what the reason for it is but most likely it is due to community notification, registration, GPS monitoring and other restrictions placed on sex offenders now that people have decided that they are mad as hell and they aren’t gonna take it anymore. You like that saying don’t you Rod?
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:16 p.m.
I seriously doubt that a PhD wouldn’t know that you can’t mix statistics like that. You can’t get 13% of crimes committed by one group of people by multiplying by the number of people. This is very simple you learn it in 4th grade.
And did no one ever tell you that hysteria is impolite? You are hysterical and you’re screaming in caps, while I am sitting here writing perfectly calmly.
You are the only one making yourself look like the idiot that you are.
Now go back to your drawing board and think really hard how you screwed up that math problem because with the level of intelligence you have just displayed you are not worth speaking to.
Posted by ( BSFinder ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:20 p.m.
I got my point across……didn’t I Marina!
Now….go crawl back in your hole. Goodbye!
Posted by ( dylanspeak ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:21 p.m.
Stitches77–even if sex offenders recidivate at higher and higher rates the longer they are out of prison, they still commit far fewer of the offenses than new offenders. Last I heard, only 10% of sex offenses in a given year were committed by someone who has offended before. Of course, I haven’t looked up the exact numbers lately, so don’t quote me on that.
Your child is more likely to be killed by a drunk driver or die of a drug overdose than to be molested by a former sex offender. Statistically. Again, don’t have the exact numbers, but I’m sure I could find them with 10 minutes on Google.
People’s ideas of the threat by sex offenders is emotional, and understandable, but isn’t based on facts. It’s just like people that are afraid of dying in a plane crash. They’re MUCH more likely to die in a car crash, but they’re not afraid of that because it doesn’t have the same emotional feeling. Just because you “feel” something doesn’t make it the same as truth.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:24 p.m.
The rates actually dropped prior to all this sex offender legislation. Prior to Megan’s Law. Look it Up. These laws have absolutely nothing to do with a drop in recidivism. NOTHING!
Dr. Steven DavidSon. The Nations leading Christian counselor had this to say. God have Mercy on America. I agree. You can hear his videos here.
Dr DavidSon spoke at the Ohio Rally in Columbus Ohio on December 1, 2007 Powerful speech. Just click on the screen (at the site) and select “Dr. Davidson Speaks to the Nation.”
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:28 p.m.
The only point you got across was the one I made to begin with. You’re stupid and you don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re a liar. Goodbye BS Or should there be a PhD behind that name? Little Man
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:29 p.m.
God have mercy on our children, they have been preyed upon long enough.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:36 p.m.
Also John Stossel of ABC 20/20 will be interviewing Dr DavidSon for an up coming program. Well, let me just quote an e-mail I got from Dr DaviDSon.
Yesterday, Dr. DavidSon received a call from Eric Hannan, the producer of ABC’s 20/20 with John Stossel. According to Hannan, ABC is preparing a 20/20 episode addressing occasions when the government over-steps limits, and zealous district attorneys and law officials execute laws in violation of human rights. He fully read an outstanding Human Rights book distributed at the rally in Ohio. He asked several questions and after a lengthy discussion he declared that Timothy’s case was exactly the kind of case they desired.Dr. DavidSon indicated that Hannan and his crew will be arriving in the Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village area in January to interview he and his son, and persons who know about the case including: The vigilantes, teachers who viewed the vigilante email, the teenaged girl, probation officer who jailed him for getting a job and others. In Hannan’s words, “we believe we can make some changes.”
Obviously, we all are teamed together for change, but Dr. DavidSon reminds everyone that this is a much larger matter than he, his son, persons in similar conditions, or sex offender laws. In his view, God is using the issue so that people can be drawn to the message God gave him to deliver. If you have not seen it, it is a message concerning the nation’s condition before God delivered from the Ohio state capitol. Hannan and his assistant producer have viewed videos of the event and press articles. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that with national primetime exposure, the nation will view the topic, but also the message.
Finally, producers can decide not to move forward with a story. Dr. DavidSon is convinced that if indeed it is God’s message to the nation, no one will be able to stop it from rising.
Timothy has desired from the beginning that God would receive His glory from this situation. Arrested 7 weeks ago -without bail–for getting a job and retaliation for his Child of the King Day leaflet - talking through a glass enclosure– He said, “don’t worry about me mom and dad, I know God will deliver me.” Sounds like a quote from three youngsters imprisoned and facing execution in the Book of Daniel.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:37 p.m.
“Go to or eadvocate and ask for information on scientific facts in reference to first offense sex offender recidivist rates.”
Right… getting statistics on recidivism from places where pedophiles and sex offenders hang out, I’m sure they’re completely objective on the subject.
On a side note there are actually a couple of high ranking members of SOSEN and Roar for Freedom who did recidivate.
“I’m a “sex offender defender”, and (news flash for Jacey and Stitches77), not all of us are sex offenders.”
“I am related to a sex offender,”
My apologies if there was any confusion, some people are also twisted enough to make excuses for abusers.
Just like Linda Pehrson who got back into bed with the man who molested her daughter.
“Perverted Justice, Absolute Zero and Wasp people…..stop your asinine assaults….YOU NAZI’S.”
Nazi’s? For thinking kids deserve justice. You’re the only ones who are Nazi’s, molesting and abusing kids and then complaining that no one will “let you live in peace” because your name is on a registry next to what YOU DID. What about the person who has to live with what you did to them for the rest of their lives?
“We will win in the end BECAUSE THESES LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!! They are PUNISHMENT pure and simple!!!!”
No, you won’t win. Sex offenders are a class of criminals. It’s like someone in prison saying that their constitutional rights are being violated because they’ve been punished.
“Don’t call me a idiot you terrorist!!!”
You are an idiot, anyone who reads this can see you’ve already proved that.
“I am using the figures that you have quoted in the HRW report….”
You clearly weren’t paying attention, I never quoted the HRW as having said that sex offenders had a 13% recidivism rate.
“and by the way, Flowergirl is a PhD….got me a PhD!!!!”
Just one PhD? Surely with your level of “intelligence” perhaps you should consider investing in another:
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:39 p.m.
Well Dylan whether it’s 10% or 13% per Sarah Tofte, the fact of the matter is that only 0.2% of the population is committing that percentage of crimes.
I find that striking, don’t you? Even Sarah Tofte found it striking. She just tried to spin the statistic like all sex offenders, sex offender enablers, apologists and victim bashers.
Human Rights Watch is going to have to retract that report. It was unethical, biased, and incorrect. There is NO doubt about this.
You see another one of her sources of information came from Zman. Now, see Zman has a problem. He’s told so many lies he no longer knows what’s the truth and what’s not. We’ll talk about that directly though, won’t we?
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:42 p.m.
If anyone would like to know the truth about Sosen and what type of information they like to give people you can get the truth of the matter here
Read how they tried to tell people that Jessica Lunsford committed suicide by having sex with John Couey and then having him bury her alive. They don’t like Jessica’s law. Not at all. They’ll say ANYthing, They’ll do ANYthing They’ll hurt ANYbody in order to get what they want.
Fortunately society is smarter than they are and recognizes them for exactly what they are.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:46 p.m.
“Last I heard, only 10% of sex offenses in a given year were committed by someone who has offended before.”
Well Sarah Tofte quoted it as 13%, but what’s really interesting is that sex offenders only make up .2% of the entire population. Which makes 13% a very large number by comparison.
“God have mercy on our children, they have been preyed upon long enough.”
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:47 p.m.
In Case the video doesn’t work for you from Dr. DavidSon’s web site, here are the You Tube links. Just copy and paste into your browser.
Part 1 2 3
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:47 p.m.
“The rates actually dropped prior to all this sex offender legislation. Prior to Megan’s Law. Look it Up. These laws have absolutely nothing to do with a drop in recidivism. NOTHING!”
That’s a lie Rod. Stop lying Rod.
Or perhaps you have the same problem BS Zman has? Michael Gregg has a long history of impulse control problems as evidenced by his behavior here today. I suggest Rod, that you get your people under control before this gets any worse.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:50 p.m.
All I know is that God is good. And may God have mercy on America. Listen To Dr Davidson and watch him on 20/20 with John Stossel when it is aired. I know MILLIONS will watch.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:52 p.m.
For the REAL facts:
RESPONSE! Ohio Silent No More Rally Rally Against Sex Offenders
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:56 p.m.
“I know MILLIONS will watch.”
I know none of them will buy into blame gaming.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 1, 2008 at 11:59 p.m.
Millions will watch? Just like the millions watching those boring videos? Ha ha ha ha ha
You can’t even sell a one dollar booklet with information about sex offenders at the flea market and God knows you tried.
You people even wanted to start GIVING them away on eBay….just charge for shipping and handling only! Of course Betty stopped that deal, she said people wouldn’t want stuff that was free.
The truth of the matter is that people don’t want it even if you paid them to take it. Nobody wants to hear you whine.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:01 a.m.
Oh yeah, I agree that God is good. That’s why he’s given us the strength and determination to say no to sex offenders who bash victims of child sexual abuse, mocking them just like Margie Slagle of the Ohio Justice and Policy Center did.
Who in their right mind could mock someone’s child sexual abuse??? It boggles the mind.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:03 a.m.
Why even Cheryl Griffith said those Davidson videos were the worst of the lot. She said his speech was long and boring and you shouldn’t be using it as an example. What could you possibly be thinking, Rod?
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:21 a.m.
“Who in their right mind could mock someone’s child sexual abuse??? It boggles the mind.”
It comes down to the fact that they are so caught up with perceiving the abuser as victim that, that they have no sense of empathy or concern for the abusers victims.
They’re completely detached, just look at someone like Michael Gregg for a walking example of that, they have about as much respect for victims of sexual abuse as the members of GirlChat and BoyChat.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:23 a.m.
I’m not Rod, you fool, I’m his wife and proud of it. Your a fool and every time you open your mouth, you prove it.
Cheryl Griffith said that about someone else NOT Dr. DavidSon. Your very confused and opening yourself up for law suits with your lies.
Nevertheless, Dr DavidSon, whom I hold in high esteem as do countless people for his honesty and integrity has spoken and spoken well. John Stossel will deal with it and “The vigilantes.” It will be interesting because it reveals a sickness that has been perpetuated on this country. This country does need to repent and return to God. He will not accept you if you are full of hate. It takes a humbleness and a heart that knows it has sinned. God only accepts repentant sinners. “Not by works, so no one can boast.” It is by grace through faith. PERIOD! Anyone who claims to be a christian and steps on the blood of Christ by refusing one of His Blood bought children, knows nothing about repentance and forgiveness. And therefore knows not Christ. That’s Biblical.
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:27 a.m.
No offense Stitches, but do you honestly take anything Cheryl says seriously?
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:31 a.m.
Some of them are associated with members of GirlChat and Boychat. Specifically Zman who has a relationship with HoloKitty, the notorious pedophile and one of the ring leaders of ButterflyKisses. Of course who knows what will happen now that her partner, the child molester Gabriel Macisaac known as Flickorna has been identified.
Then you have Shirley Lowery who spread propaganda on behalf of Dylan Thomas the webmaster of boychat, THE most active and dangerous pedophile on the internet.
What more proof do you need about the kinds of people who are members of Sosen and Roar than that?
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:36 a.m.
“God only accepts repentant sinners.”
Well that rules out the blame gamers. There’s a bright side to everything isn’t there?
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:42 a.m.
Sorry Rod, Betty Price and Shirley Lowery outed you, remember?
God doesn’t like it when people lie, Rod.
And you see I’m not a liar. I did make a mistake about Cheryl though, you’re right, she doesn’t like Dr. Samek. but then, one blame gamer is as good as another the way I figure it.
And you know something Rod? You don’t have any more right to comment on this website than anyone else. I’m not calling you a vigilanti because you’re leaving comments here, but for some strange reason you believe you can say that about me. That, too, is mind boggling. In fact everything you say is mind boggling.
Now, I haven’t threatened you. I have not committed acts of vigilantism against you or against anyone, but we cannot say the same thing about your group of people now can we?
This is about words, Rod. This is about the truth Rod. Perhaps you’re opening yourself up for a lawsuit Rod when you call me a vigilanti. That’s not very smart of you. But then we knew that already didn’t we.
Truth is an absolute defense, remember that.
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:45 a.m.
“Your a fool and every time you open your mouth, you prove it.”
I think you’ll find that you’re the fool, anyone only needs to read through the rubbish you’ve posted here to see that.
“It takes a humbleness and a heart that knows it has sinned.”
Well then no one in any of your “sex offender support” groups will be getting to heaven anytime soon, seeing as many of your members refuse to admit they committed a crime at all.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:48 a.m.
“No offense Stitches, but do you honestly take anything Cheryl says seriously?”
LOL Nor Linda, Betty, Shirley, Tom, Jan, Rod, Michael etc.
Posted by ( LindaWa ) on January 2, 2008 at 12:50 a.m.
But I am his wife. lol. your the fool. Rod did in the past use alias and so do you. EVERYONE does. I’m his wife. I’m 50 years old NEVER been arrested for anything. and that is all the info you get about me. I do not lie, nor do I twist things around like you do. You have spewed your garbage here for all to see. I think it is obvious what you are without me telling anyone about you. You do that very well. Your right. God doesn’t like it when people lie. Think about THAT! Sweet dreams.
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:09 a.m.
I’m having a hard time sorting out who the perverts are. The first poster who incited this yelling match posted this pile of crap.
“I could care less about the tax issue but the statement, “what has gone on in their minds and will, most likely, continue to go on in their minds,” can only be based on the illusion that politicians and the entertainment news media don’t lie. The myths and lies have created an unfounded national hysteria all based on the lie that sex offenders recidivism is high. The truth of the matter is, according to the U.S. Dept. of Justice, recidivism is only 3.5% which means that 96.5% NEVER, NEVER repeat a sex crime. New York’s recent scientific data gives a 2% rate of recidivism. So, 98% of first time sex offenders NEVER repeat their crimes. But the laws today are all based on the myth and lie that the rate is high. A good place to research this info is Great “Mission Statement” and access to all the scientific studies and empirical data on the net. One should educate themselves before voicing such a lie and myth.”
Now we all know how to do a google search and get a copy of the DOJ report and read what it actually says which is far from what the troll here said it said.
I think this person is a sosen impostor. Real sex offenders can lie better than this.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:12 a.m.
You see what I mean? No repentance, no remorse. Just lie, lie lie after bald faced lie.
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:16 a.m.
“Some of them are associated with members of GirlChat and Boychat. Specifically Zman who has a relationship with HoloKitty, the notorious pedophile and one of the ring leaders of ButterflyKisses. Of course who knows what will happen now that her partner, the child molester Gabriel Macisaac known as Flickorna has been identified.
Then you have Shirley Lowery who spread propaganda on behalf of Dylan Thomas the webmaster of boychat, THE most active and dangerous pedophile on the internet.
What more proof do you need about the kinds of people who are members of Sosen and Roar than that?”
That’s outrageous Stitches. Great work exposing them! It’s no wonder they want to dismantle the registry.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:22 a.m.
“I think this person is a sosen impostor. Real sex offenders can lie better than this.”
Well Judy, they got hysterical.
One thing they have is files where they keep comments to use on blogs and forums and news sites…places just like this one.
The steps are this
One person finds a place that looks promising for propaganda dissemination. He posts the link to the others who go to the files and pick a quote to use.
Unfortunately for them they don’t know how to put it in context. Just like Zman, he’s been saying the same things for years. One time he posted an entire American Chronicle article as a comment!!! LOL
Other times he just leaves about 50 links to his blog and he always says “Educate yourselves!!! Learn the REAL facts!!!”
they don’t know what the REAL facts are, but if they see someone ANYone say something they like they grab it and put it in their files for use as sex offender terrorism tactics at a future date.
Doesn’t matter if the stuff is true or not, if they like what it says? That’s good enough for them. They put all their trust in eadvocate. lol that’s like trusting the National enquirer or something
Posted by ( chesterc ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:31 a.m.
“Yes, I can find research that gives a large recidivist rate but EVERY time it will include parole violations and other NON-SEXUAL crimes and violations.”Rubbish. Virtually ALL reconvictions for sex offenders are for more sex offenses. See the work of Dr Hanson generally (and specifically his meta-analyses of sex offender recidivism rates and predictors) for more on this.
“Go to or eadvocate and ask for information on scientific facts”
Um no thanks. I do my own research and my references come from peer-reviewed academic journals and professionals. Don’t need the help of a sex offender in this area LOL.
“Chesterc, you should also see that the good doctor in the article you quote says “the majority of child sex offenders will not reoffend, as far as we know, during their lifetime.”Hmmm, did you bother to read the sentence AFTER that one? You know, the one where Dr Glaser says that the *reason* we don’t know about their latter offenses is due to under-reporting and that most molesters have multiple victims? Yeah I figured that one would escape you
“And Dr Bill Glaser is NOT the authority on anything”Well the psychiatric, academic and law enforcement communities seem to regard him as such. In fact, the only ones who don’t seem to think so are sex offenders, what a shock!
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:32 a.m.
Too funny. Don’t know if you are kidding or not, but they all sure do sound the same and coincidentally tell the same lies over and over. It goes to show how hard they are trying to corrupt the world.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:33 a.m.
Thanks Judy, we’ve spent a long time investigating these people.
They needed it.
They also need to stop whining and crying and calling themselves victims to people who really have been true victims. It makes them look bad. In fact, what they need to do is rethink their entire plan because the one they’ve got doesn’t work.
Posted by ( chesterc ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:38 a.m.
The only plan that’s going to work is the one where they go “omg we’re horrible people who need professional help!” and then go get it and leave our kids alone.
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:39 a.m.
“what they need to do is rethink their entire plan because the one they’ve got doesn’t work.”
Ain’t that the truth Stitches. I’ve got a suggestion for a new sosen plan. How about if they stop lying, admit to their crimes, get some help, and stop abusing children?
Posted by ( Jacey ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:44 a.m.
“But I am his wife. lol. your the fool”
You’re just his wife who doesn’t appear in any of the blame gamer groups, but shows up crusading on Rod’s behalf on public forums… right.
But even if you were Rod’s cousin, it wouldn’t make anything you say any more valid; You’re still just another blame gamer like Linda Pehrson or Betty Price who doesn’t want their hubbies/sons/cousins/friends name on a registry next to the crime they committed.
“I do not lie, nor do I twist things around like you do…
….Think about THAT! Sweet dreams.”No, sorry you’re the only one who lies and twists things, do you really think that quoting the distorted maths and statistics of pro-sex offender websites like SOSEN and the Eadvocate give you legitimacy? You’re dreaming already.
Posted by ( Stitches77 ) on January 2, 2008 at 1:48 a.m.
“Too funny. Don’t know if you are kidding or not, but they all sure do sound the same”
LMAO, I know it seems hard to believe. But no, I’m not kidding. As God is my witness, it’s the truth.
Posted by ( Judy35 ) on January 2, 2008 at 3 a.m.
Does sosen allow non-pedo-pushers to join and actively participate in their discussions? If it is true they cut and paste one lie and distorted truth after the next for the purpose of spreading propaganda then perhaps we can help enlighten some of them; that is, IF there are any independent thinkers. I know that’s quite a stretch.
I find it striking that they post distorted, so-called facts (aka lies) then in the same breath tell people to join sosen for the truth!!!! LOL
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