Friday, September 26, 2008

It is NOT “them” Cheryl, it is you


CHERYL Come back and talk
« on: May 29, 2008, 04:08:16 PM »
I reinstated your staff privilidges. Get back here and calm down and talk.

equal justice

Ihave been talking all morning and it has done me no good.
All it has done was to show me that I can have SOSENS your YOUR back, but when it comes to me, I am out in the cold.
I have talked and talked until I am blue in the face over all this crap.

A message has been sent from the Contact Staff form:
Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 03:34:35 PM EDT

Sender name: Lets
Sender email:

Subject: SOSEN Contact Staff - Other_Subject

First of all, I never attacked Cheryl. Never.Well we all know that is a bold faced lie. When I resigner from
staff, I explained in my resignation why. Cheryl deleted that so staff
members wouldn’t see it. Cheryl deleted it because she was sick and tired of looking at lets untruths and attempts at Slander

Cheryl has NOT been under attack by me. It’s all in her imagination.That’s a cop out if I ever heard one.
She certainly has some “control” issues that needs to be dealt with. WHO HAS CONTROL ISSUES! I had some control because I was the COO and it was my fricken JOB to have some control. If Lets can’t control he has temper tantrums

I missed three (3) staff meetings, NOT months. And I missed them due to
a medical problem for which I am now taking medication for. He has not attended a staff meeting since the ok symposium went bust. The “medical problem” was depression and it looks like the medication did NOT do the trick.

If anyone has had a temper tantrum it has been Cheryl. What Cheryl Had was the straw that broke the cammels backStalking my
posts, deleting posts and entire threads for what?? I have been staying far away from Lets and his posts until today. For just this reason so that I would have a defence when he accused me, and I KNEW that was comming. Beats the hell out of

Sosen is an open forum and as long as one is not bashing someone or
another advocacy group, then members are allowed to post their thoughts,
wishes desires, dreams, agree and disagree. That’s the way it’s been and
that’s the way it should be.There are many ways to bash someone and to destroy their credibility. That is just what Lets and Flower girl have been doing. They have been playing games, just like the games he started playing with his beloved “kudos”. You can disagree without rancor. Lets has been unable to do that. It is his way or else. The old “I KNOW I’M right posts

This entire post of hers is just plain nuts.The only thing that is nuts is that this has been allowed to go on.

I’m not a psychologist but I think the whole problem is that

Flowergirl, Book38 and I resigned because of Cheryl’s controlling ways.I will agree that Flower Girl left staff because she was mad at me. I had the NERVE to make a post in staff, directed at EVERYONE, not just FG that asked people to make edits on articles in a timly manner because things were getting held up. SHe had posted that an article was good and then came back 8 days later with a major correction. It was not directed at her, it was a general request. She got mad and quit. She denied that was why she quit, but it was pretty obvious Books quitting had absoulutly NOTHING to do with me. NOTHING! Lets resigned because he was enraged that he was not asked to be on the BOD. The only thing that had to do with me was that I happened to be the one who made the post about static being secretaryIt’s a
huge problem. And she NEVER forgot why we resigned.You bet I didn’t, why would I forget, it had nothing to do with me. It just have festered
into what you now see. What has festered into what you see now is LETS refusal to let his anger go and his driving need to put me in what HE SEES as my place.

I could go into the rest of her post but I don’t need to defend myself
anainst this maddness.He cannot defend his manipulative behavior. The man has a serious problem and I will no longer be his and his pal flower girls whipping boy.


equal justice

Well I am going to bed and to sleep.
Obviously you all declined the teleconferenc that TOP wanted to have. Why am I not surprised.
Linda, I hope you are well satisfied with yourself. I have been betrayed plenty of times before in my life, but I think this is one of the worst. I would NEVER have believed you capable of this.
All I asked for was a few words from you, just a few words, God what a fool I have been.

equal justice

Big favor after you locked me out of the forum altogether and took away my admin privileges. I had those admin priveledges before you even knew this forum existed. Now I understand why SOSEN could not get rid of its bad name…it was still run by someone who thought nothing of stabbing her friend and coworker in the back. Someone who takes and takes and takes but could not give back a few words in return.



Cheryl, YOU resigned and deleted your staff position. I took away your admin privililages because you are so mad you are not thinking straight. I have TRIED to talk to you all day I DID talk to FG and Lets, jUST NOT ON THE OPEN FORUM. I know FG told you that.

Cheryl, I LOVE YOU. How you were acting today was total blown out of propersion and escalted by YOU. Just because we are staff does not mean it is right to post personal attacks on the forum.

I am sorry Cheryl but YOU are the one that is wrong. Go back and read the shit YOU WROTE



I don’t know all of the details, but I do know we need both of you to keep this organization going strong!!!! We have been making progress; as I have seen in the latests posts in National. Please work through this. WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!



I WANT to work things out with Cheryl. I am hoping that after a good nights sleep we can talk. Over at SOA Cheryl and Static battled with PJ/AZ. That by itself was enough stress.

Cheryl and I have 2 different styles. I won’t fight with PJ/AZ because I refuse to give them ammunition to put on my page.
You guys all know me. I HAVE Cheryls back. I have nothing but the upmost admiration and respect for Cheryl.
Those PJ FREAKS can creep you out when you are their target. I was a basket case for a while when they first started with me.



I surely hope so. You guys are the backbone of this organization. It has grown by leaps and bounds! We don’t need to take any steps backward!!! I am glad I am not razzling with them over there. I have enough to deal with!!!


I hope so to Kathy. What good is Batman without Robin, Laural without Hardy, Starsky without hutch??


I think everyone just needs to calm down. I’ve always thought of everyone here is an extended family, we all have each others backs and are all working together.

equal justice

Well I THOUGHT I knew you, it turns out I did not. The reason you kicked me out of the forum yesterday is simply because you kept deleting my resignation post and I kept putting it back. Thats it, thats all.
YOU left Lets and Flower girls garbage on the fourm and REFUSED to tell them to stop. REFUSED! I begged and Begged. You refused.
The only reason I engaged Stitches at SOA was because they attacked SOSEN and YOU. You also know that. You were also there.
Thing is, Stitches would have chewed you up and spit you out. She couldnt do that to me. As usual, I was left to do the dirty work.
Sure, I could have let it stand that SOSEN is run by a CEO that wants to get rid of the age of consent so that pedophile could have sex with childen. I could have left it go on an RSO site that SOSEN supports NAMBLA. But I STAND UP FOR PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT~
You thanked me for being the only one to stand up for you. But you could not put down just a few freaking words in my defense. NOT EVEN 2 damed sentences.

Confrontation and an “I am right and you are wrong” attitude does nothing constructive what so ever.
We get enough grief in our daily lives from society and the Anti’s that we do NOT need to subject each other to it on SOSEN.

I have seen what has happened to other forums when harsh words and playing games are tolerated. The forum closes.
This will NOT happen to SOSEN. If we have a member who is identified as causing frequent problems and is found to be game playing they will be given a chance to rehabilitate, and if it continues, they will be shown the door.
We are NOT into censorship here at SOSEN. I think we have all seen how open this forum is. For the sake of the entire forum and each member we cannot allow miscreants to cause disruption.
There have been many threads discussing the intention of SOSEN to try to clean out the spies from this forum.
One of the ways you can help us is if you have gotten or do get pm’s from any member that is slandering SOSEN or members of SOSEN, please use the contact staff button and let us know.
This is VERY destructive behavior and has far reaching effects.
No one is doing this forum good by trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes. I am not talking about the occasional pm just complaining about “did you see what so and so said!”. I think you can understand what I am talking about.
If you think something subversive is going on, please let us know.
We must not let the Anti’s or anyone else succeed in causing us to get side tracked from our mission or break up the family that is SOSEN

That seems pretty reasonable to me. It is in the context of the thread. It is in context of the threads posted about the anti’s in the forum. It is also in context of Rod emailing and PM ing people with his distorted delusional crap about me which we ALL know is going on. I did this WITHOUT mentioning any person or quoting any garbage that had been said.

after Flower girl had already stirred up trouble in a thread created about Lets leaving SOSEN she responds with

agree completely with you EJ. But in any organization, people will gripe about how things are being run and about who’s running it. You can’t have an organization in which 100% of the people are happy about the way things are being run. It is VERY important for members to observe and act on their right to openly and honestly voice their opinions about the direction of SOSEN and they should be able to do this without being labeled a trouble-maker or running the risk of having their posts/threads (or memberships) deleted. This is where she makes what she is doing extremely obvious. She is still harping on Lets thread that Linda deleted and the fact that her escalation of the thread created to post the lies Lets was telling behind the scenesThis is, IMO, is REALLY important. Griping is not always an effort to undermine or “take down” SOSEN and shouldn’t always be interpreted as such. This is Flower girl using a technique of distorting what I had said. I made it pretty clear what kind of pm ing I was talking about. I made a point of saying I was not talking about the usual griping. For Gods sake we had just created a contact staff and suggestion area. This is twisting my words and being argumentative and accusatory. I did NOT say what she said I did. SOSEN’s work is so incredibly important and the work of staff is appreciated!!!! You’re all doing a WONDERFUL job and I personally say “THANKS”!!!! Then she sugar coats what she said above with this tripe. I am sorry but this does not work for me. You can’t pop me in the face and then say ” you look so great with that black eye” That tactic is too easy to see thru

Re: Confrontation vs. conversation
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2008, 10:31:06 AM » Reply with quote Modify Remove Split Topic
Quote from: flowergirl_1970 on May 29, 2008, 09:57:37 AM
I agree completely with you EJ. But in any organization, people will gripe about how things are being run and about who’s running it. You can’t have an organization in which 100% of the people are happy about the way things are being run. It is VERY important for members to observe and act on their right to openly and honeslty voice their opinions about the direction of SOSEN and they should be able to do this without being labeled a trouble-maker or running the risk of having their posts/threads (or memberships) deleted. This is, IMO, is REALLY important. Griping is not always an effort to undermine or “take down” SOSEN and shouldn’t always be interpreted as such. SOSEN’s work is so incredibly important and the work of staff is appreciated!!!! You’re all doing a WONDERFUL job and I personally say “THANKS”!!!!

You are so right FG. I think I made it pretty clear in my post what kind of destructive stuff I am talking about. We have always been able to and have been encouraged to voice our opinions and needs at SOSEN. Usually when something is asked for, it is quickly provided. And of course, FG knows this but she is too busy trying to put words into my mouth to consider it before she posted
No one is applying any labels here, but we cannot have a free for all. That is all I am talking about…again, I think I made that pretty clear in my post. Each and every one of our members is valued.
I would have to write a book or two to list all the things that I am NOT referring to. That is why I listed only the things that I WAS referring to and I have great faith in our membership to know the difference.
Again, something FG knows darn well but this fact had to be ignored so she could harass me Any questions they might have can easily be addressed in a pm or the staff contact button.My asking her to take this crap OFF the forum. We have bent over backwards for member input such as putting in the suggestion box and the staff contact button. Our member are and will always be our main concern. The good of the many will always be weighed against the gripes of the few when decisions are made.
We have staff and we have a BOD. NO ONE HAS A VOTE that outweighs anyone else’s. We all answer to each other, as it should be

Her reply which is just plain STUPID

So then am I to assume that before posts or threads are deleted, the decision will come from staff or BOD and not one member of staff?
Oh yea sure. SHe was in the yahoo forums. She knows how a forum works and the fact that we have moderators.

Quote from: equal justice on May 29, 2008, 10:31:06 AM

We have staff and we have a BOD. NO ONE HAS A VOTE that outweighs anyone else’s. We all answer to each other, as it should be

By this time, I have called Linda and discussed my concern that Lets was let back into the forum after sending a long and angry staff contact letter with an “in your face” attitude, letting us know that he was going to do this HIS way and he was NOT apologizing for his previous bad behavior. I asked her to put a stop to Flower Girl’s twisting my words. FG is Let’s pal and she was harassing me on his behalf.
Then I replied to FG “can I assume” post

Flower girl,
I will be most happy to address any issue you personally have with me via pm. Please feel free to pm me.
We have moderators on this board as all forums do. We trust our staff members judgment and if we see a problem where someone is deleting willy nilly, it will be addressed post haste.
We cannot bog down this large forum with having to have a MAJOR discussion on every move. We would have analysis paralysis if that were to be the case and it does not make even a little bit of sense. Considering the amount of posting that goes on, the need to delete a post is VERY rare. If a post is deleted,very often we will notify that person and explain. Not always, but often.
If someone has a problem with a post being deleted, just punch up the staff contact button and let us all know, THEN it can be discussed and the problem addressed by the entire staff. Now THAT would make sense.
Linda and I are so busy that we often meet ourselves coming and going. We often spend upwards of 12 or more hours on the computer doing SOSEN stuff and trying to fit in our advocacy work. Again, sometimes the greater good must win out.
I do not know how much more SOSEN staff and BOD members can do to meet the needs of all of our members and let each member be heard. If you have suggestions please feel free to use the suggestion box or contact staff button, and of course, there are always pm’s.

When a member has a problem, that problem is addressed WITH that member. They may not like our answer, but we cannot satisfy everyone all the time.
Again I think the post was very appropriate and measured considering I was INFURIATED that this was being allowed to go on.
I DID also say in this post that if Flower girl had a bug up her butt regarding me I would be happy to talk to her about it OFF THE BOARDS
Well Dear Flower, who is allowed to in her very cute and subtle way make me sound like I am Hitler reincarnated, got offended that I DARED to say she may have had a bug up her butt and DEMANDED that I “censor” that statement. See Flower was so condeming of ANY consorship on the forum but FOR HER censorship of me was OK. And, of course, Linda did that for her. Linda took out that and altered my message.
THEN Lets has to get into the act himself

Re: Confrontation vs. conversation
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2008, 11:51:19 AM »

I don’t believe anyone loves sosen more than me. Perhaps as much, but not more. My desires are for sosen and the cause that we fight for. That includes other groups and organizations who are active in their own right.
SoClear, for example has matured over the past year and are becoming a force to be reckoned with. They are educating and moving forward. That’s exciting.
State sites are IMO are vital to the national scene. Two more state sites are in the works as we speak. Things do take time and we are all becoming a force that will have an impact on this countries draconian laws Lets has been asked over and over and it has been explained to him over and over that breaking up SOSEN into State sites is NOT productive, yet he continues, cuz, you know, he is gonna do what he is gonna do!
I believe the vast majority of members know and understand that. I’ve worked hard over the past year. Dedicated to the bone and there is no question about my loyalty, dedication and desires. No question. RAH RAH RAH hurt yourself patting yourself on the back there? NO ONE HAD SAID ANY DIFFERENT!
I would NEVER intentionally bring harm to sosen. NEVER.Again no one had said he would

Unless a person is bashing an individual or another advocate organization, there should be no censorship or deleting posts and threads.

Members have an open forum and should never be afraid to express themselves, their ideas, thoughts, hopes and dreams.How in the world am I making people afraid to express their thought and dreams. For God’s sakes I have asked, begged, cajoled for that. Lets here, king of the delete saying this stuff. AND I WAS NOT THE ONE WHO DELETED HIS THREAD! NO ONE IS AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING AT SOSEN, unless they read Rods thread which pretty much tells them that Cheryl, or should I say Stalen or Hitler reborn is such a bad guy that they need to be afraid.

The very idea that one should not suggest anything unless they are ready to impliment the idea goes against everything sosen stands for. Ideas are the heart of where we came from and where we’re going. Then here he tells the reading audience that I go against everything SOSEN stands for…not bashing.. Hmmm A long long time ago Lets was on one of his RANT in National demanding this and that and the other thing. I posted that if people are going to DEMAND SOSEN does all these things then they should be ready to back up those demands with action of their own. It was not directed at Lets. It was a genreral statement. Lets decided to read into my words then and say that I had said that noone could post hopes and desires and what ever else he was ranting about unless they were ready to do it themselves. NOt only had I not said that, but I made it VERY clear. Linda herself has said repeatedly that Lets was nuts and he was totally wrong in what he was saying. But here he brings out his twisting my words and saying something I did not say.

Freedom to express ourselves is vital to the very survival of this cause. Again with the big bad Cheryl telling people they can not express themselves. What a load of BALOGNA!
He was addressing ME because he MISQUOTED MY WORDS and HE PUT A QUOTE OF MY POST IN HIS POST! THat leaves no question who he was slamming.

Quote from: equal justice on May 29, 2008, 09:37:31 AM
Confrontation and an “I am right and you are wrong” attitude does nothing constructive what so ever.
We get enough grief in our daily lives from society and the Anti’s that we do NOT need to subject each other to it on SOSEN.

I have seen what has happened to other forums when harsh words and playing games are tolerated. The forum closes.
This will NOT happen to SOSEN. If we have a member who is identified as causing frequent problems and is found to be game playing they will be given a chance to rehabilitate, and if it continues, they will be shown the door.
We are NOT into censorship here at SOSEN. I think we have all seen how open this forum is. For the sake of the entire forum and each member we cannot allow miscreants to cause disruption.
There have been many threads discussing the intention of SOSEN to try to clean out the spies from this forum.
One of the ways you can help us is if you have gotten or do get pm’s from any member that is slandering SOSEN or members of SOSEN, please use the contact staff button and let us know. This is VERY destructive behavior and has far reaching effects.
No one is doing this forum good by trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes. I am not talking about the occasional pm just complaining about “did you see what so and so said!”. I think you can understand what I am talking about.
If you think something subversive is going on, please let us know.
We must not let the Anti’s or anyone else succeed in causing us to get side tracked from our mission or break up the family that is SOSEN

Flower girl, after I have asked her repeatedly to take this to a pm or staff contact goes on to say

I’m questioning a procedure, not you!!!! And I think there should be a more solidified procedure in place than, what you’ve outlined below. This is the place for us to speak our voice and it might not always be positive, but this is a forum for expressing opinions … for those who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice at all. Sometimes that voice includes offering constructive feedback to staff, that should be ok!!! I think its an important issue and I’d really like staff to come up with some procedures. I just CAN”T imagine there are so many cases where a post has to be monitored or deleted that it would take up too much of staff’s time to discuss the situation and how to proceed. Or am I wrong and does staff delete a lot of posts? Those issues had already been addressed. Anyone who has been on this forum the length of time fg has KNOWS DAMN well that that is exactly how this forum is run. My God again, I have often defended peoples rights to their own opionion. What in the hell have I worked night and day for? What have I said over and over again? What have I put my marriage in jeopardy for over and over because of the time I spend on SOSEN, especially in our fairly frequent crises! For God’s sake, again, I created this blasted forum. I don’t go around singing my own praises and making mention of every thing I do because that is not who I am. Unlike Rod I would never have mentioned on the forum or in staff how often I have given Linda money when she was in crisis.
I will not sit here and list the hard work and advances I am responsible for.. I prefer to say SOSEN has done this or that, not I have done this or that. But what I did expect was for Linda to stand up for me.
Our last conversation on the phone, I had explained to her that this crap from FG and Lets was the straw that broke the cammels back. I was not blowing it out of proportion but that I had had ENOUGH! I just could not, for my own mental health, fight the many RSO battles and be maligned on my own freaking forum. THat I could not function as a leader in this orginization being attacked from within and it had gone on LONG ENOUGH. ALL you guys did not see all the garbage that Lets was spreading about me…Stuff that was mean and vile and untrue…but Linda kept sending it to me so I knew it was going on. ALso, Lets was so crazed in sending Pm’s out about me that he started accidently sending them to the wrong person and I was made aware of it. I don’t ask for recognition, but I do think I have earned a bit of respect. Linda SWORE on the phone that she was going to make a post right now!!! Putting an end to this crap.
SO this is what she posted.

Quote from: flowergirl_1970 on May 29, 2008, 12:01:08 PM
I’m questioning a procedure, not you!!!! And I think there should be a more solidified procedure in place than, what you’ve outlined below. This is the place for us to speak our voice and it might not always be positive, but this is a forum for expressing opinions … for those who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice at all. Sometimes that voice includes offering constructive feedback to staff, that should be ok!!! I think its an important issue and I’d really like staff to come up with some procedures. I just CAN”T imagine there are so many cases where a post has to be monitored or deleted that it would take up too much of staff’s time to discuss the situation and how to proceed. Or am I wrong and does staff delete a lot of posts?

Staff hardly ever deletes posts. We do have moles in here. And sometimes things are taken off the boards that PJ/AZ will take off and twist around. There are folks on this board that are targets of AZ and we have to keep that in mind. I will bring up this topic at our next staff meeting.

Oh boy, I just can’t begin to tell you how very defended and vindicated I felt. WOOOOO WEEEEEEEE So after all my begging her to just tell Lets and Flower that they were reading stuff into what I posted and I had not said those things and to stop doing that, the above post was her response.
ANd of course FG’s response to Lindas post was

GREAT! I think that’s a really good idea. I understand the AZ/PJ issue totally!!

Quote from: lindape54 on May 29, 2008, 12:07:57 PM
Staff hardly ever deletes posts. We do have moles in here. And sometimes things are taken off the boards that PJ/AZ will take off and twist around. There are folks on this board that are targets of AZ and we have to keep that in mind. I will bring up this topic at our next staff meeting.

I said the same things and I was promoting censorship and destroying SOSEN’s mission and telling people they could not voice their feelings.
Linda says it and it is GREAT!

I was sick and tired of being harrassed by Lets and Flower and had requested Linda handle it. SHe had been telling Lets for some time to stop it, and he ignored her. SO I asked for just a few public sentences. I was not asking that they have to leave sosen, just leave me alone! Linda refused and I was forced to BEG her to do it.
SHe still refused. I had told her that if she refused to have my back in this that I was going to have to quit as COO and Staff ….that I had to protect my own mental health and could not be effective.
It did not matter, Linda was not going to budge or offer me a kernel of support.
You would have to know me and the work I have done and the support I have given Linda to know what a betrayal this was.
I was in shock. I could not believe it. Someone who had given so much and had asked for so little and it was denied.
That is really pathetic. I cried all day yesterday. I thought I had gotten past allowing myself to be used by people and I find out that I have been used and tossed away so very easly. The hurt I feel in incredible.
Linda has deleted posts she started here in staff complaining about lets. She deleted my resignation post in National where I finally decided to tell it like it is. I figured if it was OK for Lets and FG that It was ok for me. SHe censored my post to FG and took out “if you have a bug up your butt about something I have said or done”. She took away my ability to post alltogether, then just took away the admin priveledges I had since I created this forum. Linda, who swears she does not know how to do things on the fourm, suddenly knew the intricate in’s and out’s pretty dam well. What was the purpose of making people think you did not know how to do that stuff.
I did not quit because I was making mountians out of molehills. But if you are taking hit after hit after hit, there comes a time when you say ENOUGH! Yesterday was that day. Then when I was completly betrayed by Linda, it was all over.
She can make it sound like it was nothing but she knows damed well it was. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A TIME THAT I HAVE NOT BACKED HER UP. I backed her up when LETS was tearing her apart over the OK symposium and over how much he had helped her, she was calling me and asking for my help. I did. But she could not offer a couple of sentences on the forum saying I did NOT say what FG was reading into my post and that I DID NOT SAY what Lets said I did. Oh she can call Lets a loose cannon and other stuff, but when it came to backing up her COO, she chickened out. SHe says she was acting PROFESSIONAL..bullshit, she was doing her typical NOT ACTING!
Why do you think I get all the hard ass jobs, because linda WON’T do them and SOMEONE has to sometimes. It is the JOB of the CEO to back up management, not to hang them out to dry. She loves to throw around that she is the CEO. “THe CEO says” THe CEO did”
“Your CEO did this and that”. “THe buck stops here.” Well it just depends on what that BUCK is and who it is.
WE set up SOSEN so that no one person controls the orginization simply BECAUSE of past experience with the CEO getting power crazy.
There is no “The BUCK STOPS HERE”. EVeryone on BOD has ONE VOTE.
I do not recall Quitting the BOD yesterday, yet Linda was really quick to take away my Adm priviledges…Priveledges,by the way, that I GAVE HER!
What happended yesterday could have been over very quickly. It was allowed to escalate by our CEO! It was compounded by a complete betrayal by our CEO! What I asked for was very little. It was refused.

Now how about showing some restraint and NOT deleting THIS post.



Let’s attack on staff when his Oklahoma rally fell through.


Bill, This is OLD and it was in staff. I am talking about what Cheryl was posting ON THE BOARDS. I told Lets in PM and on the phone to stay away from Cheryl, PERIOD. I also talked to FG. I just did not put it on the boards because IT WAS NOT APPROPIATE.

I am more that willing to have a conference call and settle this


equal justice

The only thing I posted on the boards that you could consider not appropriate was my resignation from staff and COO.
You chose to allow fg and Lets posting crap that I was SUPPOSED to be saying that I DID NOT SAY>>> making me sound like HITLER or something, GREAT FODDER FOR AZ,, THAT was OK.
WHat is so hard about just saying Lets and flower you know Cheryl did not say that, now this has to end here.
That is NO BIG F ING DEAL! That is the LEAST I should be able to expect.
You have been telling lets to cool down and leave me alone for a month now and he has ignored you.
He made a fool out of every staff member with his staff comment when he came back in here.
He makes a statement EVERY TIME he posts with that stupid NAME of his.
YEA Topwop wanted to have a conference yesterday with you, bill, flower girl and lets to work this out, and I agreed, but it did not happen did it.
Bill is just simply pointing out that Lets has been on a rampage UNCHECKED for a long time now. It goes to prove that this is long term behavoir of HIS and I am sick and damn tired of it.
You have been allowing Lets to manipulate you for a while now because he strokes your ego and tells you how wonderful you are.
Same with Flower girl. Come on Linda, you have got to be SOSEN’s sweetheart and will do anything not to tarnish that image, even throwing your COO under the bus.

equal justice

Just one small example of ME having Lindas back when Lets was attacking HER>

Is it postponed or canceled? At the staff call there was talk of just postponing it


equal justice

Since Lets is the creator and chairman of the symposium, I guess it is up to him

Report to moderator

equal justice

OK now Lets, I know you worked hard, and I know you are dissapointed, but we are NOT going to start pointing fingers on the public forum. IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN> You can point all you want back here or in pms but NOT NOT NOT on the forum
OK ?

Report to moderator

You are going TOOO far on the forum. You are blaming everybody but yourself. YOU dropped the ball in many ways. You ignored Jackie’s instructions YOU didn’t contact the people she suggested for the committee heads You didn’t follow through on my suggestions You were told from the begining that this was YOUR project Those comments were inappropiate in the forum



Well, I didn’t drop the ball. I let it be known more that once that “I was as green as a spring apple, and never did this before. NEVER. I followed Jackie’s instructions I contacted the committee. they were all set up on the Ohio Symposium forum but they for the most part never showed up. Some NEVER some one time. Very few ever posted anything. Didn’t ask questions. Except Fallenone. And Flower helped with the letter to Sarah’s Boss. Oh yes, you mailed it and made a few calls. Lets see. Cheryl, the MC never had any input. No, I didn’t drop the ball, I was promised that the committee that put the Ohio Rally together would be there to assist in every way but they dropped the ball. Not me.

Oh yes, I did get side tracked when you were evicted and I spent about two weeks on the board and writing PM’s to get you out of there and up to Ohio, Jackie S was responsible for getting up the half from the ministry but who do you think motivated everyone to give? If I dropped the ball, it was on account of the emergency we had with your situation. I do not have a problem with that. I would do it again to help you but all my efforts for the symposium were pretty much that MY efforts along with MY money to go to OK City. I secured the Venue. I was on site everyday while everyone stayed away. The committee, those with the experience and know how dropped the ball.

Please Linda, don’t tell me I dropped the ball. Hell, I was the only one carrying it.

Your reply on the open form should have been the private response. What you did was put the blame on me, then tell me that I can’t reply on open form. That isn’t right. Your comments are inappropriate in the forum because now your passing the blame to me and I won’t accept the blame for when others have not lifted a finger to help.



I did not make ANY comment on the forum I am not the only one that thinks that part of the blame falls on your shoulders. Being green has nothing to do with you contacting Tammie ,etc and getting them to commit. You are blaming Sarah, Sosen, Etc.

You kept telling people to get busy BUT did not give them any structure. You didn’t follow through with quite a few things a leader must do. Did you contact Stop it now OK? The CDC/ The OK health Dept. Did you PERSONALLY call every committee head that Jackie suggested? You wanted us to do it for you. You PUT people off with your whining. I am not trying to hurt your feelings. I love and appreciate you. But there is enough blame to go around.


Well, no matter how you look at it, I carried the fuckin ball up to the end. I asked for HELP. You didn’t help. You mailed a letter and made a few phone calls. That’s it! But you never once came to ME and asked what you could do to hepl. I really didn’t expect it from you because of the terrible situation you were in. But Now Cheryl, joined the Forum, she was to MC the entire thing. Here is how many times she visited, ZERO. Jacquie H ZERO visits. Linda Tauer was to head fund raising and told me what ahe wanted to do, I saud fine lets do it. That’s the LAST I heard from her. Margie Slagel was to contact the Ohio PD office. She NEVER answered my e-mail/ How the FUCK can you pass the ball around when your the only one in the game. I resent any insinuation that I dropped the ball. I cried HELP more than once and was totally ignored by everyone.

Static’s post the other day was more right than wrong. I didn’t comment on it because I just wanted this to go away, but when staff says that its MY FAULT, that they supported me, thats total bull-shit. I got only lip service from sosen staff at best.

And that’s ths God awful truth. Don’t you dare tell me I dropped the ball. Staff dropped the ball and so did the committee. I asked for help and NOTHING happened.

So, let me get this straight, if a state has under a certain number of SO’s they get put at the bottom of the list??? Well, 8000 should bring those in Oklahoma up a notch or two but probably not enough to count for anything.

It would have been real nice if one of you would have stopped by the OK symposium and made a few suggestions. I was and still alone on this issue. How the hell am I to give people structure when I, myself didn’t have any?? Green means I didn’t know shit from shinola. But I did call out for HELP!!!!! No One came to help.

Least I forget, when I called the second teleconference, Fallenone and I were the ONLY one’s there. No One else.

“You PUT people off with your whining.” Now that’s one hell of a thank-you note for the “can do, letsgit er done, Ain’t nutin to it but to do it,” Guy.

I’ve given a few hundred dollars that I didn’t have when requested. Let’s see. Oh yes, just prior to your eviction, your Internet was cut off. Who paid that? OMG, Let’s did.

Talk about whining, If you call asking for help, whining, then you must have been whining pretty much when you were in a fix (Sick, evicted and penniless. BUT, I respond to pleas for help. when I yell for help, Its called whining. That is a very cruel thing to say to me at this time. Very cruel.

I even paid for the postage for the HRW Report and donated an additional $20.00 to sosen and never did get the report.

I feel very disenfranchised right now. Nothing I have done means shit unless sosen and its staff is directly benifited. That’s very sad

equal justice

Please lets not get into a pissing match over this.
I remember VERY clearly when you called me when you FIRST had the thought of doing a rally. I TOLD you that it could not be a SOSEN staff project. I TOLD you there was a HELL of a lot of work on something like this. That we all had far too much to do to carry it off. I made it ABUNTANTLY clear that if you wanted an OK rally YOU were going to have to do it.
Shit happens and we do not have the luxury of PLANNING when it happens.
MY mom dying took up almost a month of my extra time. When Linda was in the hospital and then moving, I had the entire responsibility of SOSEN. Then there was the fact that Linda was in the hospital and then moved.
NOW we have this Jim Freeman crap going on and it is NOT the time for SOSEN’s NAME to be in the media and flying around the anti’s sites regarding this symposium.
Any person who we advertised was going to speak would be ripped to SHREDS by the anti’s and it would be publicised that they were in league with a bunch of pedophile lovers and people like Jim Freeman.
I am not BLAMING you for anything. I did not see anyone on the forum BLAMING but what YOU started.
We all love you darlin, but this just did not work out. I, for one, NEVER PROMISED you anything!!!!!!
And I did post something at least once in the ok site and you and I talked on the phone multiple times….maybe not during your teleconferences…there is only so many times I can stay up late and take that time on the phone at a scheduled time.
My husband gets pissed that I spend so much time with SOSEN already.

The FL legislature is meeting now and has some seriously bad legislation planned. I have been working on one of our Senators for 2 years now and THIS MAY be the year I can help to make a difference for over 35,000 RSO’s in FL.
Doing this blaming is very destructive. It needs to stop

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This is the end of this conversation. Except for one last thing. You are very mistaken about posting at the OK site. I would check through admin. “members” and check who and when ever visited. It always said NEVER when referring to you.

The fact remains that the committee that had joined the forum to put this thing together never responded to the second teleconference call. Only Fallenone did. This certainly is not something one person can do by themselves. Unless they have a lot of cash. It takes dedicated individuals of whom I believed were sent to me by Jacki S.

I guess because this being, not in their back yard, had much to do with it.

I don’t forget broken promises because I always keep my promises. Let’s see if I ever come to help them in their state when they ask. FUCK THEM. That’s just how I feel. Broken promises and total desertion without the respect to at least e-mail me and tell me they are too busy or as in this case, don’t care.

Lets stated in his rant to staff upon getting back in the fourm yesterday that he had missed only 3 Teleconferences.
Well this thread and rant from Lets was from March 11th and he had already stopped attending the teleconferences by then.
Just more lies and manipulation. Since when do we let a disgrunteled member run SOSEN? OH yea, since he is being oh so nice to Linda NOW, and is bashing Cheryl.




ROD WAS WRONG. I told him that. I just did not say it on the boards. Cheryl you ARE contributing to the escalation of things, I am not the only staff member that thinks that.

I DID NOT throw my COO under the bus. You were being just as nasty and cattie ON THE OPEN FORUM as they were. Think about it. Reread the things you wrote. Oh I forgot I deleted that whole thread. Here it is See who STARTED the shit. Cheryl You have been deleting posts of Lets and Flower that just plan piss you off. This has been brewing for a while. PLEASE except my apology if I hurt your feelings. That breaks my heart. I love you But I thought all 3 of you guys were wrong PERIOD
Topic: Confrontation vs. conversation (Read 145 times)


We are all here for different reasons, and have many different points of view. During a forum setting there tends to be some issues with how a person interprets what someone has posted. I am guilty of this myself. Words on a page can not express an emotion or the intent of the person reading the post. One of the biggest issues is not understanding if a poster is attempting to engage in conversation or if their post was a confrontation. I was curious about learning how to better address a subject so it would offer the reader a clearer perspective of what the intent of the post is. Any ideas?

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flower girl_1970

Use emoticons!!!!!!!! For example:
A. I think you are wrong and completely disagree with you

B. I think you are wrong and completely disagree with you

The person reading “B” might not be as offended or get on the defensive with happy emoticons vs how one might respond to “A” (does this example work at all?!? ).

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equal justice

Exactly Flower!
That is why we have so many emoticons on SOSEN.
They can put in to a message what reading black words takes out.
I try to use them often.
A wink or the dripping sarcasm tells one immediately what’s up.
I love emoticons, not just because they are cute but because they fill a need.
Another thing you can do, is if you think someone is being harsh or misunderstanding you, send that person a pm instead of escalating on the boards.
That’s not our first impulse. The first impulse is a nasty reply on the boards. We can, however, control our impulses, at least most of the time

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I will take emotion 101 later today. For know I need to ; and fix me.

This entire thing hit a little to close to my heart

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Thanks for the phone call equal, I am feeling much better. You are a good friend!

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equal justice

You too Trans… ((((group hug))))

gotta love those emoticons!

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fallen one

There will always be times someone posts something out that makes me want to but we have to remember that everyone has their own ideas about how things should be, but as long as they don’t resort to FU Pedo, then there is hope for a sharing of ideas.

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Everything we already know, we know.

We only can learn more from others.

I like this forum a lot. You are all becoming my second family. Yes, even in families we have disagreements, but we are held together by love. Here, we must remember that we are held together by purpose, and yes some love too.

Has something happened to Lets? There was a comment yesterday or the day before that some of Let’s posts had been deleted, and I haven’t seen any more postings since.

We count on staff keeping this forum orderly and we don’t need to know all the details of staff decisions. But, we don”t want to lose contributing members, so when a problem comes up, and they will, staff should privately contact the member and work things out in a way that brings unity.

In His service,

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LetsGetReal-I DO WHAT I DO

That’s why I love you so much Flower. Common sense.

Quote from: transitions on May 27, 2008, 11:44:33 AM
I will take emotion 101 later today. For know I need to ; and fix me.

This entire thing hit a little to close to my heart

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equal justice

Confrontation and an “I am right and you are wrong” attitude does nothing constructive what so ever.
We get enough grief in our daily lives from society and the Anti’s that we do NOT need to subject each other to it on SOSEN.

I have seen what has happened to other forums when harsh words and playing games are tolerated. The forum closes.
This will NOT happen to SOSEN. If we have a member who is identified as causing frequent problems and is found to be game playing they will be given a chance to rehabilitate, and if it continues, they will be shown the door.
We are NOT into censorship here at SOSEN. I think we have all seen how open this forum is. For the sake of the entire forum and each member we cannot allow miscreants to cause disruption.
There have been many threads discussing the intention of SOSEN to try to clean out the spies from this forum.
One of the ways you can help us is if you have gotten or do get Pm’s from any member that is slandering SOSEN or members of SOSEN, please use the contact staff button and let us know. This is VERY destructive behavior and has far reaching effects.
No one is doing this forum good by trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes. I am not talking about the occasional pm just complaining about “did you see what so and so said!”. I think you can understand what I am talking about.
If you think something subversive is going on, please let us know.
We must not let the Anti’s or anyone else succeed in causing us to get side tracked from our mission or break up the family that is SOSEN

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flower girl_1970

I agree completely with you EJ. But in any organization, people will gripe about how things are being run and about who’s running it. You can’t have an organization in which 100% of the people are happy about the way things are being run. It is VERY important for members to observe and act on their right to openly and honestly voice their opinions about the direction of SOSEN and they should be able to do this without being labeled a trouble-maker or running the risk of having their posts/threads (or memberships) deleted. This is, IMO, is REALLY important. Griping is not always an effort to undermine or “take down” SOSEN and shouldn’t always be interpreted as such. Sosin’s work is so incredibly important and the work of staff is appreciated!!!! You’re all doing a WONDERFUL job and I personally say “THANKS”!!!!

Quote from: equal justice on May 29, 2008, 09:37:31 AM

Confrontation and an “I am right and you are wrong” attitude does nothing constructive what so ever.
We get enough grief in our daily lives from society and the Anti’s that we do NOT need to subject each other to it on SOSEN.I have seen what has happened to other forums when harsh words and playing games are tolerated. The forum closes.
This will NOT happen to SOSEN. If we have a member who is identified as causing frequent problems and is found to be game playing they will be given a chance to rehabilitate, and if it continues, they will be shown the door.
We are NOT into censorship here at SOSEN. I think we have all seen how open this forum is. For the sake of the entire forum and each member we cannot allow miscreants to cause disruption.
There have been many threads discussing the intention of SOSEN to try to clean out the spies from this forum.
One of the ways you can help us is if you have gotten or do get Pm’s from any member that is slandering SOSEN or members of SOSEN, please use the contact staff button and let us know. This is VERY destructive behavior and has far reaching effects.
No one is doing this forum good by trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes. I am not talking about the occasional pm just complaining about “did you see what so and so said!”. I think you can understand what I am talking about.
If you think something subversive is going on, please let us know.
We must not let the Anti’s or anyone else succeed in causing us to get side tracked from our mission or break up the family that is SOSEN

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Quote from: flower girl_1970 on May 29, 2008, 09:57:37 AM
I agree completely with you EJ. But in any organization, people will gripe about how things are being run and about who’s running it. You can’t have an organization in which 100% of the people are happy about the way things are being run. It is VERY important for members to observe and act on their right to openly and honestly voice their opinions about the direction of SOSEN and they should be able to do this without being labeled a trouble-maker or running the risk of having their posts/threads (or memberships) deleted. This is, IMO, is REALLY important. Griping is not always an effort to undermine or “take down” SOSEN and shouldn’t always be interpreted as such. Sosin’s work is so incredibly important and the work of staff is appreciated!!!! You’re all doing a WONDERFUL job and I personally say “THANKS”!!!!

Well said FG and EJ! That is why we put the contact staff button on top. I WANT AND NEED to know what my members think and want. As the CEO the buck stops with me. I REALLY REALLY try as hard as I can to make SOSEN “THE” place for support, help, education and advocacy.
We want your ideas and visons.I see many. many great things happening in the future. Last night for instance, SOSEN was on a conference call with other RSO agencies putting together a 800 hot line number. It should be up and running in a month!!!

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equal justice

Quote from: flower girl_1970 on May 29, 2008, 09:57:37 AM
I agree completely with you EJ. But in any organization, people will gripe about how things are being run and about who’s running it. You can’t have an organization in which 100% of the people are happy about the way things are being run. It is VERY important for members to observe and act on their right to openly and honestly voice their opinions about the direction of SOSEN and they should be able to do this without being labeled a trouble-maker or running the risk of having their posts/threads (or memberships) deleted. This is, IMO, is REALLY important. Griping is not always an effort to undermine or “take down” SOSEN and shouldn’t always be interpreted as such. Sosin’s work is so incredibly important and the work of staff is appreciated!!!! You’re all doing a WONDERFUL job and I personally say “THANKS”!!!!

You are so right FG. I think I made it pretty clear in my post what kind of destructive stuff I am talking about. We have always been able to and have been encouraged to voice our opinions and needs at SOSEN. Usually when something is asked for, it is quickly provided.
No one is applying any labels here, but we cannot have a free for all. That is all I am talking about…again, I think I made that pretty clear in my post. Each and every one of our members is valued.
I would have to write a book or two to list all the things that I am NOT referring to. That is why I listed only the things that I WAS referring to and I have great faith in our membership to know the difference. Any questions they might have can easily be addressed in a pm or the staff contact button. We have bent over backwards for member input such as putting in the suggestion box and the staff contact button. Our member are and will always be our main concern. The good of the many will always be weighed against the gripes of the few when decisions are made.
We have staff and we have a BOD. NO ONE HAS A VOTE that outweighs anyone Else’s. We all answer to each other, as it should be

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flower girl_1970

So then am I to assume that before posts or threads are deleted, the decision will come from staff or BOD and not one member of staff?

Quote from: equal justice on May 29, 2008, 10:31:06 AM

We have staff and we have a BOD. NO ONE HAS A VOTE that outweighs anyone Else’s. We all answer to each other, as it should be

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LetsGetReal-I DO WHAT I DO

That 800 number is great news. I know you have a lot of experience with hot line support. Being able to refer to food banks, agency’s and many other groups will certainly be a huge asset

Quote from: lindape54 on May 29, 2008, 10:10:03 AM
Well said FG and EJ! That is why we put the contact staff button on top. I WANT AND NEED to know what my members think and want. As the CEO the buck stops with me. I REALLY REALLY try as hard as I can to make SOSEN “THE” place for support, help, education and advocacy.
We want your ideas and visons.I see many. many great things happening in the future. Last night for instance, SOSEN was on a conference call with other RSO agencies putting together a 800 hot line number. It should be up and running in a month!!!

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equal justice

Flower girl,
I will be most happy to address any issue you personally have with me via pm. Please feel free to pm me.
We have moderators on this board as all forums do. We trust our staff members judgment and if we see a problem where someone is deleting willy nilly, it will be addressed post haste.
We cannot bog down this large forum with having to have a MAJOR discussion on every move. We would have analysis paralysis if that were to be the case and it does not make even a little bit of sense. Considering the amount of posting that goes on, the need to delete a post is VERY rare. If a post is deleted,very often we will notify that person and explain. Not always, but often.
If someone has a problem with a post being deleted, just punch up the staff contact button and let us all know, THEN it can be discussed and the problem addressed by the entire staff. Now THAT would make sense.
Linda and I are so busy that we often meet ourselves coming and going. We often spend upwards of 12 or more hours on the computer doing SOSEN stuff and trying to fit in our advocacy work. Again, sometimes the greater good must win out.
I do not know how much more SOSEN staff and BOD members can do to meet the needs of all of our members and let each member be heard. If you have suggestions please feel free to use the suggestion box or contact staff button, and of course, there are always pm’s.

When a member has a problem, that problem is addressed WITH that member. They may not like our answer, but we cannot satisfy everyone all the time.

« Last Edit: Today at 08:28:38 AM by equal justice » Report to moderator (?)

LetsGetReal-I DO WHAT I DO

I don’t believe anyone loves sosen more than me. Perhaps as much, but not more. My desires are for sosen and the cause that we fight for. That includes other groups and organizations who are active in their own right.
SoClear, for example has matured over the past year and are becoming a force to be reckoned with. They are educating and moving forward. That’s exciting.
State sites are IMO are vital to the national scene. Two more state sites are in the works as we speak. Things do take time and we are all becoming a force that will have an impact on this countries draconian laws
I believe the vast majority of members know and understand that. I’ve worked hard over the past year. Dedicated to the bone and there is no question about my loyalty, dedication and desires. No question.
I would NEVER intentionally bring harm to sosen. NEVER.

Unless a person is bashing an individual or another advocate organization, there should be no censorship or deleting posts and threads.

Members have an open forum and should never be afraid to express themselves, their ideas, thoughts, hopes and dreams.

The very idea that one should not suggest anything unless they are ready to impliment the idea goes against everything sosen stands for. Ideas are the heart of where we came from and where we’re going.

Freedom to express ourselves is vital to the very survival of this cause.

Quote from: equal justice on May 29, 2008, 09:37:31 AM
Confrontation and an “I am right and you are wrong” attitude does nothing constructive what so ever.
We get enough grief in our daily lives from society and the Anti’s that we do NOT need to subject each other to it on SOSEN.

I have seen what has happened to other forums when harsh words and playing games are tolerated. The forum closes.
This will NOT happen to SOSEN. If we have a member who is identified as causing frequent problems and is found to be game playing they will be given a chance to rehabilitate, and if it continues, they will be shown the door.
We are NOT into censorship here at SOSEN. I think we have all seen how open this forum is. For the sake of the entire forum and each member we cannot allow miscreants to cause disruption.
There have been many threads discussing the intention of SOSEN to try to clean out the spies from this forum.
One of the ways you can help us is if you have gotten or do get pm’s from any member that is slandering SOSEN or members of SOSEN, please use the contact staff button and let us know. This is VERY destructive behavior and has far reaching effects.
No one is doing this forum good by trying to stir up trouble behind the scenes. I am not talking about the occasional pm just complaining about “did you see what so and so said!”. I think you can understand what I am talking about.
If you think something subversive is going on, please let us know.
We must not let the Anti’s or anyone else succeed in causing us to get side tracked from our mission or break up the family that is SOSEN

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I’m questioning a procedure, not you!!!! And I think there should be a more solidified procedure in place than, what you’ve outlined below. This is the place for us to speak our voice and it might not always be positive, but this is a forum for expressing opinions … for those who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice at all. Sometimes that voice includes offering constructive feedback to staff, that should be ok!!! I think its an important issue and I’d really like staff to come up with some procedures. I just CAN”T imagine there are so many cases where a post has to be monitored or deleted that it would take up too much of staff’s time to discuss the situation and how to proceed. Or am I wrong and does staff delete a lot of posts?

« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 12:28:07 PM by lindape54 » Report to moderator (?)


Quote from: flowergirl_1970 on May 29, 2008, 12:01:08 PM
I’m questioning a procedure, not you!!!! And I think there should be a more solidified procedure in place than, what you’ve outlined below. This is the place for us to speak our voice and it might not always be positive, but this is a forum for expressing opinions … for those who otherwise wouldn’t have a voice at all. Sometimes that voice includes offering constructive feedback to staff, that should be ok!!! I think its an important issue and I’d really like staff to come up with some procedures. I just CAN”T imagine there are so many cases where a post has to be monitored or deleted that it would take up too much of staff’s time to discuss the situation and how to proceed. Or am I wrong and does staff delete a lot of posts?

Staff hardly ever deletes posts. We do have moles in here. And sometimes things are taken off the boards that PJ/AZ will take off and twist around. There are folks on this board that are targets of AZ and we have to keep that in mind. I will bring up this topic at our next staff meeting.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 12:28:37 PM by lindape54 » Report to moderator (?)


GREAT! I think that’s a really good idea. I understand the AZ/PJ issue totally!!

Quote from: lindape54 on May 29, 2008, 12:07:57 PM
Staff hardly ever deletes posts. We do have moles in here. And sometimes things are taken off the boards that PJ/AZ will take off and twist around. There are folks on this board that are targets of AZ and we have to keep that in mind. I will bring up this topic at our next staff meeting.

equal justice


ROD WAS WRONG. I told him that. I just did not say it on the boards. Cheryl you ARE contributing to the escalation of things, I am not the only staff member that thinks that.

I DID NOT throw my COO under the bus. You were being just as nasty and cattie ON THE OPEN FORUM as they were. Think about it. Reread the things you wrote. Oh I forgot I deleted that whole thread. Here it is See who STARTED the shit. Cheryl You have been deleting posts of Lets and Flower that just plan piss you off. This has been brewing for a while. PLEASE except my apology if I hurt your feelings. That breaks my heart. I love you But I thought all 3 of you guys were wrong PERIOD
Topic: Confrontation vs. conversation (Read 145 times)

I already posted the thread Linda. Look above and read what I wrote I already went thru it.
You know that staff has not been privy to all the shit Rod has been throwing at me.
We have all been doing our fair share of deleting.
I deleted the thread that Flower girl started that was esclating into a blame game over why Rod left sosen. You thought your ONE SENTENCE was going to stop it and it did not. It got worse. I deleted it, told you and staff that I did and why and when I talked to you about it you agreed that it should not have been on the forum…how quickly we do forget!
I did NOT put quotes into my post on that thread. I did NOT identify anyone. Only the ones who were GUILTY of engaging in the inapropriate behavior I was describing would even have thought it was about them. I was NOT saying the things flower girl kept insinuating that I was saying.
NO dear, you did NOT delete that whole thread. Just my words asking flower girl if she had a bug up her butt about something because she just kept pounding on about censorship and not letting it go or taking it to pm like I asked.
You keep refusing to address the obvious!
You had been trying to get lets to stop for a month, it did not work because you were trying to smooze him and he was busy manipulating the hell out of you.
He has been harrassing me since static was asked to be secretary and even before. YOU SAID YOURSELF that he reads stuff into things others says and that he is a loose cannon. You have bitched about Lets over and over…yet when the time comes to DO something about it, you refuse because the shit is not being directed at you.
It seems we are at an impass.
I made a general statement that was meant as a “if the shoe fits” statement. Obviously the shoe did fit.
You refused to back me up in public when Lets and FG was slamming me in public. I did not want much, like I said just a statement from Ms. THE BUCK STOPS HERE, saying that they were reading stuff into my post that I did not say and to stop it.
Not a great big humungous deal…just a very little thing. My work as COO at SOSEN was not important enough for you to do that…AFTER you told me on the phone that YOU WOULD!
Rehashing and rehashing this is not doing a bit of good.
You made your choice yesterday with your actions.
You would not even answer the phone when I called.
You would not have the teleconference that Top wanted.
Now you want to look like you are being all consilitory after you broke my heart and betrayed me big time over some little thing.
So spin it any way you want Linda. I KNOW< YOU KNOW< LETS KNOWS AND FG KNOWS exactly what has been going on
Even if others don’t. They werent involved in my desperate, shocked phone calls to you yesterday or all the garbage that has been going on.
You know damn well sosen was my life and my family. YOU choose to protect your precious nothing but sunshine reputation over that. There ARE times, Linda, when it is time to STOP sitting on your hands and act, but oh yeah you did do that didnt you when you deleted my resignation and kicked me out of the fourm and adm. I almost forgot….NOT

Cheryl you ARE contributing to the escalation of things, I am not the only staff member that thinks that.
thanks for rubbing salt into the wounds.
There are some staff members who agree with me that Lets has been using power and control and manipulating and whining and has been harassing people and that his staff contact message was outrageous and unexceptable along with his stupid name. But I was not trying to turn this into a popularity contest. I know who has gained the most populatrity because dummy me just say back in the shaddows and did the tough jobs with out blowing my own horn.
I has stopped crying yesterday, you have managed to start it up again. You just keep kicking me while I am down under that buss you threw me under…
Enough of this shit. You apologize if you hurt me…. YOU DROVE A KNIFE IN MY HEART my showing me just how little I meant to you, now you want me to be sure that I am the one seen as wrong for asking you to write 2 damed sentences.
Words are EASY Linda, I found that out. But ACTIONS speak louder than words. I have already discussed your actions.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 12:14:28 PM by equal justice » Report to moderator Logged


Cheryl Honey, I don’t know what is going wrong with your personal life but you did mention to me something that your neurologist said to you. Your behavior is totally inappropriate. It is NOT “them” it is you. If it walks like a duck……
You need to let this go. To are seeing “slights” in posts that are just not there. You are combative and aurguemenitive to some of trhe members just cause you have an “issue with them. Not every post needs a damn kattie comment. I hate to say this sweetie but you are acting like Shirley.
Talk a walk , watch a movie, read a good book, maybe it would not be a bad idea to take your Dr’s advice.


equal justice

Quote from: lindape54 on May 30, 2008, 12:23:51 PM
Cheryl Honey, I don’t know what is going wrong with your personal life but you did mention to me something that your neurologist said to you. Your behavior is totally inappropriate. It is NOT “them” it is you. If it walks like a duck……
You need to let this go. To are seeing “slights” in posts that are just not there. You are combative and aurguemenitive to some of trhe members just cause you have an “issue with them. Not every post needs a damn kattie comment. I hate to say this sweetie but you are acting like Shirley.
Talk a walk , watch a movie, read a good book, maybe it would not be a bad idea to take your Dr’s advice.

Please do not patronize me linda. It won’t work with me. It might work with some gullable others but it wont work with me.
So lets can post that BULLSHIT stuff about why he is saying I DO WHAT I DO, when we all know from his letter what it means but I can’t call him on it and speak the truth?!?!? My behavior is totally apropriate for someone who has had others belitteling them and lying about them. For someone who was so completly betrayed by you and is continuing to be betrayed by you.
Yea, I told youi yesterday that I had to take care of MY mental health too. So you put in this crap. What a laugh. It’s ok if YOU get angry and rant, its ok that ROD gets angry and rants for months, but Cheryl gets angry and she gets thrown under the bus.
You are getting pretty DIRTY in your tricks now Linda. OH you got the power now and you are using it like a mighty sword.
Bullshit is ok to post on the forums but linda mighty hand is on the delete button if I post.
Go ahead and say I am acting like Shirley, but we all know WHO called Shirley on her behavior and got her the hell out of SOSEN. ME
We all know who was on a huge power trip, Ms CEO it was Shirley and now you have taken her place beautifully. They say Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly… Ms. THE BUCK STOPS HERE. I would never have believed it of you tho.
The slights I see are damn well there and you know it. You would be throwing a major hissy fit if all their crap was thrown at you.
I remember some of your fits.
There is no one on the BOD who follows all of what is going on except me and you.
There is no one I can think of who follows all the stuff that is going in staff except me, you and Billm.
Ask Billm what HE thinks of all this.



Honey I am not going to put Bill in the middle of this. You CAN NOT posts PERSONAL ATTACKS on the forum PERIOD


equal justice

I was not putting bill in the middle of anything. You are the one saying staff agrees with you.
It was not a personal attack, it was the truth as I saw it. It was ok for Rod to mistate my words and intentions and to try to cover his lying ass but not ok for me to call it like it is.
OK, I got ya.
Heil Linda.
Heil Lets
Tough shit Cheryl

equal justice

Honey, You also picked a great time for me but a bad time for SOSEN to show me your true colors. Yesterday I was finishing the ATSA article…but that got interupted. I am glad it did before I told the professional world how great sosen is. Oh the members on the whole may be, but….well, you know


Yea I know…I am ugly and my mother dresses me funny.

Why you would hurt the members to get back at me is class


Cheryl you need to act like a professional We need to lead by example

equal justice

This has nothing to do with hurting the members, It is about my not endorsing an orginization who allowes its members to use cognitive distortions and manipulative behavior to injure members of the management.


Oh so now you graduated medical school. The ONLY person having cognitive distortions right now is YOU! STOP! WALK AWAY FROM THE FUCKING CUMPUTER

Look Cheryl Your OWN DR is telling you that you need a psychiatrist. It is not EVERYBODY ELSE It is YOU NOW STOP

equal justice

Oh yea you led really well yesterday linda. You have been allowing yourself to be manipulated and sucked up to.
You have allowed your popularity in the fourm to dictate who you would and would not support.
A Professional would not have lied to me when they told me that they were going to “post right now and put a stop to this” when I asked you to tell Lets and Flower girl that they were putting words in my mouth that I did not say and making me sound like some kind of crazed dictator. You could not even post something like, Now, you know Cheryl does not do those things or think like that. SHe has worked hard to have an open forum and get members to voice their opinions and implement suggestions.
HELL NO! Delete what cheryl said and Leave the garbage Lets and Flower wrote.
Ignore Cheryls needs and her pain, for the sake of your butt kissing lets and flower.
THAT Linda is not professional.
Allowing someone who has worked long and hard for this orginization to be pushed out the door so that YOU can save face, IS NOT PROFESSIONAL>

equal justice

Quote from: lindape54 on Today at 01:51:39 PM
Oh so now you graduated medical school. The ONLY person having cognitive distortions right now is YOU! STOP! WALK AWAY FROM THE FUCKING CUMPUTER

Look Cheryl Your OWN DR is telling you that you need a psychiatrist. It is not EVERYBODY ELSE It is YOU NOW STOP

I am wondering just how low you will sink linda.
You tell only a small piece of the story here about my dr. telling me to see a psychiatrist and it has nothing to so with SOSEN, it has to do with my memory problems.
Also, that was told to you in a private conversation, the little bit that I had time to tell you.
No linda I have not graduated medical school, but I am a nurse with training in such matters.
I am not saying it is EVERYBODY ELSE. I am saying YOU blew it big and will say and do anything to deny it.
But the psychiatrist bit is low, even from what I have learned of you in the last 24 hours.
I would NEVER reveal stuff you have told me in private. There are lots of other things I have not revealed also because it would hurt you, but you don’t seem to have those filters.
and I cannot step away from the F ing computer, honey, cuz I have to totally re write my atsa article if I am going to get it in in time.


Cheryl there is something in psychology called “transference” I would bet my life that is what is going on here with you. I have had the patients of a saint with you the last 2 days. YOU WILL NOT STOP.
I am not going to allow you to bagger me all day. Now STOP

equal justice

And the term for what you are doing is DENIAL and projecting.
Am I baggering you or am I standing up for myself in the only place you have allowed me too.
Seems like you are baggering ME too.
Thats ok Linda, you are the ALL POWERFUL OZ now, I fully expect you to knock me out of being able to post at all again.
You already took away every thing else.
You won’t answer the phone if I call. You wouldnt yesterday, Miss I am wonderful and I am being so very kind to the poor disturbed Linda. You make it look like you have tried to be sooooo good, but we both know the truth to that don’t we.
I have nothing more to say to you anyway. You just come up with the same bull shit excuses and sink even lower by bringing up something that had nothing to do with anything.
I’m done trying to answer your charges.
You are right this became stupid long ago.
But lets not exaggerate, it has been just a little over 24 hours, not double that

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