Monday, September 29, 2008

Sosen isn’t the Gestapo “Put up or shut up”


Anyone else notice this?
« on: Today at 05:58:13 AM »
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Ok- here we go again… And of course Lets is in it up to his eyebrows. Isn’t this the same Tmax who left in a tizzy the last time we disagreed with his and Lets’ “vision”?

Author Topic: Better Focus! (Read 29 times)

Let’s be Activists!

Better Focus!
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:37:53 PM »
I think SOSEN should focus on support and education issues, and become a real therapeutic type of site. It’s just my opinion, but SOSEN is all over the place, and doesn’t appear to focus on personal support. I think that’s where SOSEN’s niche should be. There’s a great number of caring people here, but no one’s getting anything material done. Things with substance that affects us all.

The bottom line is that I think that SOSEN should stay focused on support and education, and let other sites focus in their own areas. There’s so much fragmentation and disenfranchisement going on that it’s a wonder that we could ever get anything solid done about these laws.

Warm Regards.



Support and education are highly important. I share your views on that. Speaking only for myself, I will say that I get all I need of that from everyone. Being here has been a terrific family experience for me and done me worlds of good. May I suggest you be very specific about what it is you think we are not doing in this area?

What I find myself in disagreement with is your view (if I read you correctly) that the work we are doing to actively influence and change some of these laws is mis-directed. There are highly organized and determined groups out there working to further restrict and punish us for our crimes. To sit idly by and not take an active role in the politics of this issue seems like a big mistake for me.

I think we can, and do, do a great job of both support, education, and active political action. If we seem disorganized and scatered it might be because you don’t see everything that goes on behind the scenes. We are a diverse group with many, often contradictory, opinions. Somehow in spite of that most of us understand that the thing that unites us in this battle is much stronger then those things that sometimes put us at odds with each other.

As the lowest of the low on the publics list of dispised ex-criminals we are all very aware of this culture’s willingness (dare I say eagerness) to judge us as being unfit to live. I can’t speak for anyone else on this, but let me say that having gone thru what I have gone thru tends to make me less likely to judge others. Sure there are some folks here to love to shout and disagree. Sometimes they make unnessary trouble for others. But I am reluctant to judge them cause I am far from perfect myself.

We know that God and our mothers forgive us for what we have done, now the battle continues for the public at large and our legislators in particular. In my opinion support and education are important but far more important is the job of fighting these stupid laws.

If we just lay down and take it, we have given these victims rights groups just the outcome they wanted all along.

I guess I still have fight left in me. Depends on the day really. Today was a good day.



Re: Better Focus!
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2008, 08:47:26 PM »
Tmax, I know and understand what your saying. However, your post is too short and needs more information.
If I can interject something here. Yes. Sosen is primarily a support and education and hopefully always will be. Support is vital to the individual and family members. Education is also vital. Members tend to educate one another by posting, reading the news as well as scientific fact and empirical data. We comment on the forum, learn from one another on the board.

The forum is certainly a good place to be whether your a lurker or active.

I think what becomes frustrating to those who want to do more is the fact that sosen does not have enough workers who are diverse enough at taking sosen down several paths at one time.

It’s tough enough doing what sosen does with the amount of people that get involved. A handful end up working their butts off, while the majority stay disconnected from coming forward.

That’s always been the case as I comprehend it.

Now, I know where your coming from as I know what is going on. I’m excited about it.

Why not write a letter and submit it to staff. Explain what your allowed to reveal, as I know much is TOP SECRET. and it is in my opinion HUGE to the cause. There are several things happening as we speak.
This I can say, there are now 5 more state sites being built. and four specific sites each dealing with specific issues. And more will come.

I believe what Tmax is saying is that we need to understand one anothers function and purpose and be very supportive of one another. We need to do this by forming a coalition of CEO’s of various web sites and become united like never before.

Sosen is the very best Support and Education network in the world. We, can all in our own right be the best that there is. cfcoklahoma is just getting started as is 5 others. In time, TOGETHER, we will become the strong force that together brings down these unconstitutional laws.

I’ll shut up and wait for Tmax to put his thoughts down and send them to staff.
Re: I’m a journalist deeply troubled by SO laws and treatments
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2008, 05:30:46 PM »

I believe what’s needed is articles showing the positive aspects of former offenders who’ve been successful in the community. I also think the articles should focus on the injustices being perpetrated on kids because of this onslaught of hatred and contempt for the truth.

This battle against sex offenders was won through angry emotionalism, and it will be defeated in like kind. That goes against what most people believe, but for the nice folks that think that being soft when your rights are being stripped from you is the way to go, well please, stay away from me. For anyone that wants to become a REAL ACTIVIST, please contact me here, or through my email.
Anyway, it’s nice to see some journalists with some ethics and integrity on this forum. I wish there were more like you, I think?


Topic: Hi All! I’m TMaximus95 (Read 33 times)

Hi All! I’m TMaximus95
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:21:00 PM »
I’ve been around for awhile, and have become an activist of sorts since the inception of these sex offender restrictions policies. I’m a leader, and a doer. I need to find a support home, where sex offender support and education is happening within the realms of sex offender recovery. I can be an emotional guy, but I’m too pissed off right now to be emotional

I believe that together, all of us, we can overcome the stupidity incorporated into these sex offender laws. We need to confront our representatives and point out the evil of their ways. We must be nice at first, but then, kick their butts if they don’t listen. I’m ready, are you?

I want to only be associated with activists that believe in material/real accomplishments. I don’t believe that posting gripes on an internet forum is where it’s at. I think the real battle is on the streets, with your neighbors and representatives. It’s better to make a friend through honesty, than it is to make an enemy over complacence.

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help out with RSO Counseling, advice on relapse prevention, emotional support, and the education for those things. Are you freakin’ kidding me?!

You may want to visit my new site: for strictly LEGAL topics on civil and human rights issues.Ah yes- the inevitable plug for your own site while downing Sosen. Why didn’t he just put it in his sig, like his buddy Lets did?

Warm Regards,


Am I the only one who sees what’s going on in our forum? It was bad enough with Vanguard and F1 constantly insinuating that SOClear is where it’s at- Now I guess Tmax and Lets are in the mix. Personally, I’d be more than happy if they would all go over to SOClear with their claptrap. If we are so ineffective, why do they come here to promote themselves and their latest stupidity?


Re: Anyone else notice this?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 06:07:16 AM »

We’d better figure out what we’re going to do with the SOClear radicals (this includes Lets)- I’m finding it more and more difficult to not use the old “flame thrower”. And once the flaming starts, it ain’t gonna be easy to douse the fire. angryfire


Re: Anyone else notice this?
« Reply #2 on: Today at 06:12:42 AM »

I see everything that goes on and it’s obvious that Lets is using SOSEN to push his own site.


Well, everyone does that. But what’s with all the SOClear people? This has been a quiet little problem for a while now. Lets is just aligning with them to further his own cause. But we’ve lately had a lot of SOClear promotion on the forum. And it’s usually coupled with criticism of Sosen. Ya gotta wonder- if we’re so ineffective and useless, why are they coming here instead of going to the marvelously effective SOClear? Tmax said he wants nothing to do with our brand of activism- so why’s he here? And isn’t it a bit odd how all of this smacks of coordination amongst these people? It would be an interesting exercise to look at who has been PMing more than normal (and with whom).


Karma: 65

We need to just watch them. They are members and have valid points. This is a small close knit community.

I am not changing SOSENs focus. The “angry SO” is not how SOSEN goes about things.

I think everyone is at edge. We are not the gestopo here. Let folks talk if it is not hurting SOSEN.


My gut reaction is to have TMax, and those like him/her develop their own program and do it under the SOSEN umbrella. If T thinks we need more support, let T be the SOSEN counselor. That is, if T has the credentials, which I doubt.
It is the old, ” put up or shut up” gambit.


No. uh-uh. Tmax shouldn’t be offered anything remotely like a leadership position- especially in our Therapy area.

I find it hard to believe that anyone here is unaware of what a few of our members are up to. Tmax’s posts, in particular, are divisive. This has nothing to do with the current controversy around here. I posted about this a while back in a thread titled “SOClear”. Thus far, there has been no action taken. We can sit and watch them some more- but I think we’ll be watching as they put the nail in the coffin of Sosen if we don’t start taking this seriously NOW. How much more “watching” do these people need before we decide to actually moderate the damn forum?

This thread is really just a repost of what I’ve already posted previously about SOClear- I’m doing the responsible thing by posting in Staff and trying to get some action. I’d be lying if I said that I’m not going to take care of this myself if all we can do as a group is drag our feet. Consensus is nice, but it doesn’t facilitate quick response. Margaret Thatcher said that consensus is the absense of leadership. We are the leaders of Sosen- we’d do well to lead ASAP.

There is much more going on in the background than we are admitting. There was a bit of a vacuum left when SoHopeful collapsed. We are the best ones to fill that vacuum. Unfortunately, SOClear is determined to do the same. The difference is that we aren’t sending our members over to SOClear to troll around for new recruits. They are doing this to us. And they are regularly downing Sosen in the process- and posting stuff which will be used against us. And Lets is right there with them, doing the same. Either we quickly come to terms with this, or I will.

No- we aren’t the Gestapo, but we are supposed to be moderating this forum. Otherwise, why do we even have a Staff? I’m doing the responsible thing and discussing this in Staff, instead of giving these idiots a verbal pounding. Meanwhile, they are still on our forum “doing what they do”. I won’t sit on my hands much longer.

So far, the only thing Staff has offered as a solution is to keep watching these idiots destroy us from within- are there any other suggestions? Because at some point, we are going to have to decide whether we are going to moderate this forum, or simply let the inmates run the asylum. At some point, we need to start actually running Sosen the way we see fit. I’m putting this out here so that we can reach a consensus about what to do. But doing something involves action. It’s time to clean house. Or we can “support” ourselves right into oblivion.

Cheryl’s not here- so who’s going to volunteer to be the “heavy” when we need it?

According to every person I’ve talked to, everyone is in agreement that if it came down to a decision between Lets and Cheryl, we’d all choose Cheryl hands down. But so far, Cheryl is the only one on moderation right now. I don’t really care who’s right and wrong- this is unfair. Everyone agrees that Lets started this- so why the hell isn’t he being muzzled like Cheryl is? We may not like Cheryl’s approach sometimes, but is there any doubt about what Lets is doing? And now because we’ve let him sit on our forum garnering his own version of “support”, we’ve got a whole group of people to deal with and Lets is making sure to be right in the thick of it. The situation as it currently stands is unacceptable. And frankly, we’d better do something about it very soon.

Here’s what I propose-

BOD agreed that Lets had only one more chance. He has used up his chances. He has been repeatedly warned by Linda for over a month now, and is obviously determined to continue his assinine behavior. Seeing how BOD agreed that this was his last chance and he was walking on thin ice- it’s time for Lets to go. Before anyone disagrees with me on this, I’d ask you to not only state your disagreement, but give good reason to keep him around- and also offer some other solution. If you can’t do this, then he needs to be shown the door.

Then we need to bring Cheryl back- no strings attached. She owes Linda an apology for some of the things she said, and Linda owes her an apology for punishing her while allowing Lets to do the same things. And that’s where this little controversy ends. Here’s what no one seems willing to say- Yeah, Cheryl posted about Lets in subtle ways in National. But he did it first. And Cheryl was the only one to be held accountable for doing this. To date, Lets has yet to be sanctioned in any way, and he continues to make Sosen all about him. Cheryl has shown no signs of being like Shirley- she just got pissed. The worst that would have happened is that she would’ve continued to argue and be pissed- that doesn’t deserve her being effectively banned from voicing her opinion. If we’re willing to say that Tmax, Lets, Vanguard, Fallenone, etc. have a right to voice their opinions when their opinions are so obviously antiSosen, why is it ok to muzzle Cheryl. What no one wants to admit is that when it comes to Lets, Cheryl was right. There’s no shame in admitting this and fixing the situation. Then, after we’ve dealt with the real threats to Sosen, we can all yell at Cheryl. It’s really dumb to deal with Cheryl as some sort of threat, yet let these idiots continue to actually BE threats. The truth is that if we didn’t have this current distraction, we’d be dealing with these important things. It’s time to hit the “reset button”, forgive and forget, and start taking care of SOSEN.

We can sit and argue about Cheryl all day long and get nowhere. Meanwhile we have members who are disrupting our forum and we are doing nothing but “watching”. If we’re all in agreement about Lets and his cronies, why are they still here? If we get rid of Lets, it’ll send a message to the other disruptors, give us the moral standing to be able to moderate appropriately, and it will also make it possible for Cheryl and Linda to drop this argument. The truth is that even if our CEO and COO weren’t fighting, we’d still better start moderating our forum or it’s going to get out of hand quickly. But when you consider that this would also help to end this stupid argument, it’s really a no-brainer. And any members who would choose to follow Lets out the door are probably better offf with him than here being “rabble-rousers”. I suspect that most of them would come back to us pretty quickly anyway. And it doesn’t really matter if we were to lose half our membership- our job is to run Sosen, not allow every malcontent to destroy us from within. This is simple- he needs to go, and so does anyone else who wants to come here to be disruptive. There really shouldn’t be any disagreement about this. If we need to have a formal vote on this, fine. But let’s “get ‘er done” and quit pussy-footing around the issue.

Can ya tell I’m sick of this? laughing7


I’m very aware of it. I ran a music sharing hub with over 300 members and always about 70 people from all over the world connected at any time. Always had to look out for the Let’s and Tmax’s trying to take over. Unfortunately for them, the server was running on this computer.


This is the PM exchange I had with Lets over his “Karma” thread. And here’s the thread-

Keep in mind that Lets told me about his little “Karma war” about a week and a half ago. Which means this thread was intentionally misleading and disruptive. Am I out of line? Also notice that I didn’t delete anything- I simply locked the thread before Lets turned it into another one of his rants.

Quote from: LetsGetReal on Today at 07:12:51 PM
Static, do you have a problem with me? If so, let me know. But for sure don’t pass my communications to you on to others without my permission to do so.


Lets- There has been a lot of things going on in the background that I wasn’t aware of. Now we basically have a crisis in Staff. I’m irritable and sick of arguments and distractions. I apologize for bringing up our phone conversation, but that thread is just silly. And it disrupts our members who didn’t really care about Karma points before. You can’t post a complaint about this forum being abused if you are abusing it too. Or at least not without expecting a response. You know as well as I do that this thing with Cheryl has gone too far. I’m not picking a side- other than being on the side of SOSEN. This thing between you and Cheryl has been a major disruption and I’m putting a stop to it. That’s my job- I don’t care who’s right or wrong or who started it, this has gotten out of hand and is hurting SOSEN. I’m not taking a side, but I am going to respond to needless arguments on this forum. You were dishonest about what you were doing with Karma points- and basically sayng that it’s a flaw with SOSEN. No it’s not. It’s a flaw with the people who choose to abuse the Karma system. Since you participated in it just as much as whoever smited you, you have no reason to blame it on SOSEN or our forum.


Ooohhh…. SNAP!

Just received this from Lets and Flowergirl. Odd how they seem to always respond at the same time, huh? I’m only posting this stuff so that my actions will be known by all. I’ve seen what Lets is capable of and it’s best to keep everything above-board when dealing with him.

Re: (No subject)
« Sent to: static on: Today at 07:50:56 PM »
Thanks for the PM. Lets bashing isn’t going to solve a friggin thing. I want you to know that I have absolutely no personal animosity toward Cheryl. NONE.

What we spoke about on the phone was between you and me. I honored that and I expect you to also. Yes I did smite her but I put it back as karma. Yes others were smiting her and there is nothing I could do about that.

Our discussion concerning Cheryl was private and I related to you why I, Flower and Book38 resigned from staff. I would think that Cheryl’s outrageous behavior would cause you to think about what we talked about. It only confirms in my mind what I shared with you. THAT was to go no further.

You have not been in staff to know enough concerning what we went through with Shirley and other situations.

Cheryl did help build sosen into what it is today, SO DID I! I play a very significant role in getting sosen on it’s feet.and so did many others. Linda, Lee Lee, Flowergirl, Book38, etc. You came in after the dust settled.

When I came to the old sosen yahoo group there was only about 150 members. Sosen was several years old and going know where. Today, a year later there are 400 and growing.

I would like to see Cheryl back, doing what she does, not reacting to what she thought was going on.

It makes me wonder who was feeding her misinformation to make her go off like she did. I hope to God you were not running around telling tails out of school. Someone was feeding her bits and peices and for some reason she thought she had a whole picture.

That’s all I can figure was someone was being a lacky for her. She sure as hell didn’t get it from me. She has everything so twisted that it makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Again, I HAVE NO PERSONAL ANIMOSITY against Cheryl. She does have a control problem If that weren’t true than Flower surly wouldn’t have lefe and neither would have Book38.

Now, with that out of the way. I still want to meet you when you come to Tulsa. I do want the disk you promised. I’m hoping there is alot of information I can use.

I think we’re screwed now with the Ohio decision. I too am on sosen’s side and do not want to see any harm come to it. In fact, I’m looking forward to seeing sosen be the very best “SUPPORT” site ever. I am doing things that will assist in that and for sosen to also be the BEST EDUCATIONAL Network on the web. It is and it will be better.

I hope Cheryl does come back and presses ahead with issues that matters to all of us

I need a beer.


(No subject)
« Sent to: static on: Today at 07:53:55 PM »
Don’t mean to be a busy body but all of that Karma and Lets stuff should have been handled in a PM … just my opinion but when I read it I felt like I was snooping in someone’s personal email. I’m telling Let’s the same thing … not taking sides! this is one of my pet peeves … I hate coming to a professional/private forum and reading harsh/personal exchanges.

Well, yes- it should’ve been handled in a PM, but Lets decided to post about it and subtly act like it’s a SOSEN problem when it’s really just a Lets problem. I really have a great deal of respect for Flowergirl, so I’m a little disappointed that she is participating in Lets’ games so much.


Karma: 66
[applaud] [smite]
Posts: 943

Static You are new to forums. There are ways of handling things that just ESCALTE things or calms them. You my dear are ESCALATING things. The time spent verbal jousting with LEts could have been put on a letter to Cheryl that you said you would write in last nights staff meeting! Now because of that Cheryl is going to delete her membership at 9 pm


There is something in the works from a few RSO agencys that would make us more powerful as a whole. I just found this out today. Bear with me. I was asked to keep it private until it is a sure thing. I KNOW that SOSEN will want to be included in it.


Ooohhh…. SNAP!

Quote from: lindape54 on June 02, 2008, 09:23:44 PM

There is something in the works from a few RSO agencys that would make us more powerful as a whole. I just found this out today. Bear with me. I was asked to keep it private until it is a sure thing. I KNOW that SOSEN will want to be included in it.

Ok- first off, I didn’t escalate. I did my damned job as a moderator. And I reproted back to staff on my every action. Wow- what an out of control idiot I am! And whatever is “in the works” has not a thing to do with the problem Lets is. And btw- we already tried the RSO counsel thing- am I the only one who sees that joining forces with all the other groups is half of what causes our problems?

You asked me to become a staffmember. You asked me to join BOD. In fact, you were the one who brought me into this stupid fight betwen you and Cheryl. I’m neither a hot-head, nor a reactionary. But I saw it with Webstuff (and was right) and I see it with Lets (and I’m right about him too). I was told that a big part of my responsibilities here is to moderate the forum. So far, every time I do, it’s called “escalation”. No offense, Linda, but if I’m so out of control, that really reflects badly on your judgment, because you asked me to be here. “Your way” isn’t working. If you’re going to second-guess everything your moderators do, then there’s really no need to have moderators in the first place. I suppose Bill, Chris, Cheryl, me, and Gospelgal are all out of control wackos… Because we all see what you are turning a blind eye toward. At some point, you’re going to have to consider the fact that you are human and very well may be wrong. This isn’t an attack- I know how much this situation has taken its toll on you. But you don’t seem to recognize that you are basically tying our hands, then expecting us to build the house of SOSEN. It’s time to re-evaluate, Linda.


Why are we bothering with meetings? Static PERSONAL attacks do not belong on the forum. Fine you guys think you can run this place? I QUIT


I didn’t attack Lets at all. What I say about him here has no bearing on how I dealt with him on that thread. He started a thread that was not factual, argumentative, and silly. I responded appropriately with several good, truthful replies. When it became personal, I didn’t respond, I locked the thread. None of that is an attack- it is called moderating the forum.

Everyone here knows what Lets was doing with his stupid smiting games- I’ve told you about our phone conversation and his PM’s basically admit to it. So that thread was nothing but a lie and an insinuation that Sosen has somehow dropped the ball, when it was really Lets’ stupid smite war that caused the problem. I responded appropriately, and in fact exercised way more restraint than I should’ve. that is not in any way an attack. It was good moderation.

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