Saturday, September 13, 2008

Deserving what AZ gives us in a perfect world


« on: December 18, 2007, 09:10:42 PM »

I’m starting this post with a disclaimer - I’m not mad at anyone, just concerned. My post about the interview David Hess is doing related to the label Cheryl used to describe SoHopeful as SoHateful was deleted, which is fine, so I’ll post it here. What kind of message does that label send about this organization? I think its fine to use that label in staff, but why is it necessary to bring disputes between staff/BOD and another collegial organization into the main boards? It reflects poorly on this organization as a whole. It was very unprofessional and inappropriate, IMHO, and I’m very disappointed.

equal justice
COO, Media Director

Re: SoHopeful
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 09:28:39 PM »

As I told you privatly, we have attempted multiple times to “make nice” with SOhopeful and it is just not possible. They despise us and think we deserve whatever AZ gives us because we are a group of radicals.

Why are you posting in staff? You RESIGNED staff because I suggested we make revisions to articles in a more timly manor and YOU requested Tim remove you from the staff boards. He must have not done that….I will help you out on that. The relationship with Sohopeful is a complicated one and MANY other people on SOSEN have made similar statements. Perhaps in a perfect world I would not have called them SOhateful, but, this is not a perfect world, I am not a perfect person, and you would need to have a hell of a lot more information to make that judgement.

Now, I would agree with your assessment if I said that in a public forum like a radio broadcast or on TV, or something like that, but what I said is very true. IF you had a problem with it, you could very easly have PM’d me to discuss it. You did it the way you did, on the board, because your are pissed. Nuff said.


SOSEN Secretary

Re: SoHopeful
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2007, 10:25:37 PM »

You don’t know what went on over there. Cheryl and I do. FG, I am and I know Cheryl are not attacking you. However, Sohopeful IS NO LONGER fighting the same fight that we are. In fact, since the inclusion of the PROBATION OFFICER being let run the boards, the whole direction has changed. They now want all RSO’s to except their fate as it is metted out by law. All you need to do to find out what I am saying is true is just go and read Hopeso, Christien and Carolyn’s posts. That will tell you volumes!!!


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